BMS to Inverter / BMS mit Wechselrichter / BMS vers onduleur / De BMS a inversor /
BMS ao Inversor / BMS naar omvormer / Dal BMS all'inverter / BMS z falownikiem /
BMS na střídač / BMS till växelriktare / BMS cu invertor / BMS към инвертор / BMS til
inverter / BMS προς Μετατροπέα / BMS inverterisse / BMS -> invertteri / Od BMS-a do
baterije / BMS-inverter / Tarp akumuliatoriaus valdymo sistemos ir inverterio / BMS uz
invertoru / Systém riadenia batérie (BMS) k invertoru / BMS s pretvornikom / BMS'den
İnvertöre / BMS para Inversor
BAT+ to BAT+: Charging cable (+) (2000 mm) (MC0600: part E*)
BAT- to BAT-: Charging cable (-) (2000 mm) (MC0600: part D*)
BMS to BMS: BMS communication cable (2000 mm) (MC0600: part C)
Grounding cable (it should be prepared by the users themselves.)
*Note: The connector on the charging
cable (+)/(-) connecting to the inverter
from BMS is delivered with the inverter.
For details, please refer to the User
Manual of the inverter.
The guard ring (T30 Base: part E)should
be used to protect the corrugated pipe.
Two guard rings are required to be used.