5.3 Settings
5.3.1 Emission rate
The emission level is set to 0.95 by default. To change this, press the MODE button until "E" including the
up or down arrow is shown at the bottom left of the display. The emission level can be changed with the
arrow keys. Below you can see the most common emission levels. Please note that this is only an indication.
However, depending on the circumstances, these recommended emission levels may vary:
5.3.2 Measuring units
The measurement unit can be changed before and after the measurement by pressing the left function key.
You have the choice between ° C and ° F.
5.3.3 Hold-/Lockmode
If the Lock mode is set with the right function key, a continuous measurement is carried out. If during the
measurement the trigger is pressed and the function MIN / MAX is set at the bottom of the display, the
value just measured will be held at the bottom right of the display. If the trigger is released again, the
continuous measurement is continued.