5.2.2 Differentiation measurement
In the normal measurement mode, you can select "dlF" with the MODE key. This is the symbol for the
differential measurement. The difference between the measured min. And max. Values is shown.
5.2.3 Average value measurement
By pressing the MODE key the operator can go to the average value measurement. This is shown on the
display with the abbreviation "AVG". After completing a measurement, the display shows the average value
of the entire measurement progress.
5.2.4 Alarm function
When alarm limits have been set, the device emits an acoustic and optical alarm when the set limits are
exceeded or exceeded. With "HI" and "LOW" it is additionally indicated whether it is underrun or overrun. Alarm upper limit
To set the upper alarm limit, select "HAL" with the MODE key (bottom left of the display). After the device
has been switched to HOLD mode after the measurement, the alarm upper limit can be set using the arrow
keys. Alarm lower limit
To set the lower alarm limit, use the MODE key to select "LAL" (bottom left of the display). After the device
has been switched to HOLD mode after the measurement, the lower alarm limit can be set using the arrow