2. Drill two 8mm diameter holes in the wall and insert the supplied plastic
plugs into the wall.
IMPORTANT! Before drilling the holes, check that you will not damage any
pipes or electrical wires.
3. Secure the threaded hooks into the plastic plugs.
4. Move the cooker to the wall and secure the chains to the back of the cooker.
Fitting the Anti-tilt bracket on the Ground
1. Drill a hole into the cabinet bottom.
The distance between the hole and wall or cabinet side must be no less
than 50mm.
2. Hammer the expansion plug into the hole, then fix the anti-tilt bracket to
the cabinet bottom by tightening the screw.
3. 3. Slide the cooker into place, ensuring that the left or right foot is securely
slided into the anti-tilt bracket.
Cabinet side