user's instructions
2. O pen the cover by pulling the cover release
(dust bag) upwards. Remove the dust bag from
the holder, and dispose of it in a dustbin.
3. F it a new dust bag in the holder and press into
4. C lose the cover, and press until it clicks into
M ake sure that the dust bag does not become
pinched by the cover. This could damage the
appliance and/or the dust bag.
note D ust bags for this vacuum cleaner are available from every major hardware store, with a statement
of the type number Bestron D00013.
cleAninG And MAintenAnce - cleaning or replacing the motor safety filter
Clean or replace the motor safety filter at least twice a year, and more frequently if the filter is visibly blocked.
1. Remove the plug from the wall socket.
2. Remove the hose from the vacuum cleaner.
3. O pen the cover by pulling the cover release
(dust bag) upwards. Remove the dust bag, see
Figure 7. Remove the motor safety filter, located
behind the dust bag: see Figure 8.
4. D ispose of the filter, or wash it in lukewarm
water. Allow it to dry thoroughly.
5. R eturn the cleaned or new filter in the appliance. Fit a dust bag. Close the cover, and press until it clicks
into place.
W ater could penetrate into the appliance if the filter is not thoroughly dry. This could result in
(electrical) damage.
M ake sure that the dust bag does not become pinched by the cover. This could damage the appliance
and/or the dust bag.
cleAninG And MAintenAnce - replacing the exhaust filter
Replace the exhaust filter at least twice a year, and more frequently if the filter is visibly blocked.
1. Remove the plug from the wall socket.
2. O pen the exhaust-filter cover by pulling on the
lip on the cover. Remove the exhaust filter from
the appliance, see Figure 9.
3. R inse the filter in lukewarm water. Allow it to dry
4. R eturn the cleaned filter to the appliance. Close the cover, and press until it clicks into place.
W ater could penetrate into the appliance if the filter is not thoroughly dry. This could result in
(electrical) damage.
The cover cannot be closed if a filter is not fitted, or is not fitted correctly.
M ake sure that the filter does not become pinched between the cover and the housing. This could
damage the appliance and/or the dust bag.