5. Test the slipping clutch.
5.1 Turn on the power to the chain hoist.
5.2 Attach the original test load to the hook.
5.3 Check that the chain hoist is able to lift the load with both slow and fast speed.
5.4 Attach a maximum load of 160% of the rated capacity of the chain hoist to the hook.
5.5 Test with slow speed that the load remains on the floor.
6. Turn off the power to the chain hoist.
7. Install the end cover on the brake side.
For more information, see chapter Removing and installing the hoist covers.
8. Tighten the screws of the end cover to the correct tightening torque.
For more information, see chapter Tightening torques for the chain hoist.
Dit document en de daarin vervatte informatie vormt het exclusieve eigendom van Verlinde S.A.S. en vertegenwoordigt
een niet openbaar, vertrouwelijk en gepatenteerd handelsgeheim dat niet mag worden vermenigvuldigd, onthuld aan
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toestemming van Verlinde S.A.S. Copyright 2020 © Verlinde S.A.S. Alle rechten voorbehouden.
If either one of the tests fails, modify the capacity of the chain hoist. Follow the
instructions that are given in the step 4.
When both tests are successful, proceed to step 6.