Licentie-informatie opvragen van externe...
6. Volg de link "Third-party Components Licen-
Third Party Software
1 Overview
This product contains third party software, including
open source software. You are entitled to use this third
party software in compliance with the respective
license conditions as provided in this document.
A list of used third party software components and of
license texts can be accessed by connecting your boi-
ler, like it is mentioned in the manual.
2 Acknowledgements
Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in
the U.S. and other countries. This product includes
software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in
the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/). This
product includes cryptographic software written by Eric
Young (eay@cryptsoft.com) and software written by
Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com).
3 Disclaimer
The open source software contained in this product is
distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FIT-
licenses may contain more details on a limitation of
warranty or liability.
5 Contact Information
Viessmann Climate Solutions SE
35108 Allendorf
Fax +49 64 52 70-27 80
Phone +49 64 52 70-0
Licentie-informatie opvragen voor de geïntegreerde communicatiemodule TCU300
Om de licentie-informatie op te vragen, hebt u een
eindapparaat nodig dat geschikt is voor wifi, bijv.
smartphone of pc. Voer volgende stappen uit:
1. Verbind de warmtepomp met uw wifi-router: zie
pagina 41.
2. Vraag het toegewezen IP-adres van de warmte-
pomp in wifi op: zie volgend hoofdstuk "IP-adres
van de warmtepomp opvragen".
4 How to Obtain Source Code
The software included in this product may contain
copyrighted software that is licensed under a license
requiring us to provide the source code of that soft-
ware, such as the GPL or LGPL. To obtain the com-
plete corresponding source code for such copyrighted
software please contact us via the contact information
provided in section 5 below indicating the built number
you will find in the licensing information section, which
can be accessed as outlined in this document. This
offer is not limited in time and valid to anyone in receipt
of this information.
3. Verbind uw eindapparaat met dezelfde WiFi als de
4. Voer in de internetbrowser van uw eindapparaat
het bepaalde IP-adres van de warmtepomp in.
De gewenste licentie-informatie wordt getoond.