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10. Manufacturer's warranty

Manufacturer's warranty of STEINEL GmbH, Dieselstrasse
80-84, DE-33442 Herzebrock-Clarholz, Germany.
All STEINEL products meet the highest quality standards.
For this reason, we, the manufacturer, are pleased to pro-
vide you, the customer, with a warranty under the following
terms and conditions:
The warranty covers the absence of deficiencies which
are proven to be the result of a material defect or fault in
manufacturing and which are reported to us immediately
after detection and within the warranty period. The warran-
ty shall cover all STEINEL Professional products sold and
used in Germany.
Our warranty cover for consumers
The provisions below apply to consumers. A consumer
is any natural person who, on entering into the purchase
transaction, neither acts in exercising their commercial nor
their self-employed activity.
You can opt for warranty cover in the form of repair or
replacement which will be provided free of charge (if
applicable, in the form of a successor model of the same or
higher quality) or in the form of a credit note.
In the case of sensors, floodlights, outdoor and indoor
lights, the warranty period for the STEINEL Professional
product you have purchased is 5 years in each case from
the date on which the product was purchased.
Our warranty cover for entrepreneurs
The provisions below apply to entrepreneurs. Entrepre-
neur is a natural or legal person or partnership with legal
personality who or which, on entering into the purchase
transaction, acts in exercising their or its commercial or
self-employed activity.
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Deze handleiding is ook geschikt voor:

Rs pro a20 ww/nw scRs pro a30 ww/nw sc
