Main light level
The brightness of the main light level setting can be varied
between 0-100 %.
The unit can be operated as a separate light or several
lights can be interconnected in groups via wireless commu-
nication. All luminaires belonging to a group operate in line
with the group parameters set in the Steinel Connect App.
Reach can be set individually for all lights in the lighting
Fade time
Fade time can be used to set the rate of dimming on swit-
ching the light ON and OFF (1 s - 3 s).
Neighbouring-light function
The neighbouring-light function can be activated and deac-
tivated via the Steinel Connect App. This function assigns
the neighbouring groups to the active lighting group. The
active group responds to activation signals from the neigh-
bouring group assigned to it and switches to main light or
basic light as defined in the settings.
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