Using your Rowing Machine will provide you with several benefits:
It will improve your overall physical fitness, strengthening the heart &
improving circulation as well as exercising all the major muscle groups:
the back, waist, arms, shoulders, hips & legs.
Tone your muscles & in conjunction with a calorie-controlled diet: it will
help you lose weight. Rowing is an extremely effective form of exercise.
The Basic Rowing Stroke
Sit on the saddle & fasten your feet to the pedals using the straps. Then
take hold of the rowing bar.
Take up the starting position, leaning forward with your arms straight &
knees bent as shown in (Fig 1).
Push yourself backwards, straightening your back & legs at the same time
(Fig 2).
Continue this movement until you are leaning slightly backwards, during
this stage you should bring your arms out of the side. (Fig 3). Then return
to stage 2 & repeat.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
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Fig. 3