UK Declaration of Conformity
We, the Batavia B.V., Weth. Wassebali-
estraat 6d, NL-7951 SN Staphorst, Nether-
lands declare by our own responsibility that
the product Mini circular plunge saw,
Item-No 7064048, Model Nr. BT–CCS004
is according to the basic requirements,
which are defined in the UK Regulations
Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations
2008, Electromagnetic Compatibility Reg-
ulations 2016, Electrical Equipment
(Safety) Regulations 2016 and their
Staphorst, 18 May 2022
Technical documentation kept by:
Meino Seinen, QA Representative
Batavia B.V., Weth. Wassebaliestraat 6d,
7951 SN Staphorst, Netherlands
The product and the user manual may be
subject to changes. Technical data may be
changed without prior notice.