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Projector Start Address Selection - HQ Power AERON 575W Gebruikershandleiding



Channel 4
Channel 5
Channel 6
Channel 7
c. DMX512 Connection
Connect the provided XLR cable to the female 3-pin XLR output of your controller and the other side to the male 3-
pin XLR input of the VDP575MHW16FL. Multiple VDP575MHW16FLs can be linked through serial linking. The
linking cable should be a two-core screened cable with XLR input and output connectors.
d. DMX-512 Chain with Termination
e. Occupation of the XLR Connector
How to turn the controller line from 3-pins to 5-pins (plug and socket):
f. Projector Start Address Selection
All DMX-controlled devices need a digital start address so that the correct device responds to the signals. This start
address is the channel number from which the device starts to "listen" to the DMX controller. Enter the correct
number and read it from the display located on the base of the VDP575MHW16FL.
You can use the same starting address for a whole group of devices or enter an individual one for every device.
When all devices have the same address, all the VDP575MHW16FLs will "listen" to the control signal on one
particular channel. In other words: changing the settings of one channel will affect all devices simultaneously. If you
set different addresses, each device will "listen" to a separate channel number. Changing the settings of one channel
will only affect the device in question.
In the case of the 16-channel VDP575MHW16FL, you will have to set the start address of the first
VDP575MHW16FL to 1, the second VDP575MHS20FL to 17 (1 + 16), the third to 33 (17 + 16) and so on.
Reset - Lamp on / off
Colour Wheel 1
A DMX terminator is recommended for installations where the DMX cable has to run a
long distance or is in an electrically noisy environment (e.g. discos). The terminator
prevents corruption of the digital control signal by electrical noise. The DMX terminator is
simply an XLR plug with a 120Ω resistor between pins 2 and 3, which is then plugged into
the XLR output socket of the last device in the chain.
Please see illustrations.
Channel 11
Channel 12
Channel 13
Channel 14



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