Temperature control
Scenario no. 1: the boiler is equipped with a BUS BridgeNet®
The boiler and the module communicate for optimised operation.
In this scenario, several types of temperature control are possible
depending on the confi guration and the installation's parameter set-
tings. Please refer to the boiler instructions.
It is advisable to check that temperature control is active by ensu-
ring that the corresponding icon is displayed on the boiler screen. The
water fl ow temperature for Zone 1 is defi ned by the boiler setting.
For Zones 2 and 3, the water fl ow temperature also depends on the
thermostatic mixing valve settings.
Scenario no. 2: the boiler does not have a BUS BridgeNet® connec-
In this scenario, the module cannot perform temperature control.
The water fl ow temperature for Zone 1 is defi ned by the boiler setting.
For zones 2 and 3, the water fl ow temperature depends on the ther-
mostatic mixing valve setting.