Possible alternative: Chemical
In general, disinfectants based on quater-
nary ammonium compounds are suitable
for use in disinfecting the nebuliser,
including the aerosol head.
When choosing the chemical, please
ensure that it is suitable for disinfecting
medical devices made from the specified
materials (see "Materials used", page 50).
Follow the instructions for use of the disin-
fectant, particularly the dosage informa-
tion and instructions for safe use.
The effectiveness of this method has been
tested with a 2% solution of Bomix
(Bode) for an application time of
5 minutes.
Between applications, particularly for
prolonged breaks in therapy, keep the
nebuliser handset in a clean, dust-free
place (e.g., nebuliser bag).
Pack the control unit, the power adapter
and the connection cord in the case pro-
vided for this purpose.
Leaking batteries may cause damage to
the control unit. Therefore, remove the
batteries or rechargeable batteries if the
nebuliser system is not expected to be
used for a relatively long period of time.
rapid - 01/17