PURE BATHING PLEASURE Swim & Fun Scandinavia offer water care products and pool accessories for all pool sizes. Choose between multi-products such as our EasyPool disposable dispenser that keeps the water clean and inviting, even when you are not at home. Or try the practical chlo- rine-free CombiTabs that are easily added to the water via a floating dispenser or directly into the skimmer.
HEAT PUMPS PLUG & PLAY • Zero cost of installation • High energy efficiency • Quiet • Easy to operate Xpress 10+ no. 1294 Xpress 14+ no. 1073 The Swim & Fun Xpress heat pump collects energy from the air and transfers it to the pool water. For each used kW the heat pump produces 5 kW to the pool.
SOLAR SHOWERS If you jump in the pool without rinsing yourself under a shower first, you add 200 times more bacteria to the poolwater. A garden shower near the pool makes it easy for everybody to take a quick rinse before dipping in.