Protect the eeder cable rom excessive temperatures,
oil and sharp edges.
Unplug the device prior to submersion, upon termi
nation o operation, in the course o deect removal
and prior to perorming maintenance procedures.
I the pump is in operation, neither people nor
animals can be present or plunged in the pumped liquid
(e.g. pools, cellars, etc.).
The pump must not in any case run without llings.
Do not leave the pump unattended while in
operation in order to prevent subsequent damages
caused by eventual malunctions. Make sure to
disconnect the device rom the grid i you do not plan
on using it.
The temperature o the drained liquid must not
exceed +35 °C.
I the lubricant escapes the uid could become
I the pump is used in ponds, wells, etc. and appropri
ate pumping stations, standards valid or pumps in
the given country must unconditionally be observed.
The user is responsible to third parties i pump (dum
ping stations, etc.) is used.
The pump must not in any case run
without llings.
Warranty period o 12 months applies to commercial
use and 24 months applies to private use and com
mences on the day o purchase o the device.
The guarantee solely covers inadequacies caused
by material deect or manuacturing deect. Original
payment voucher with the sales date needs to be sub
mitted or any claim in the guarantee period.
The guarantee does not cover any unauthorised
use such as appliance overloading, use o violence,
damage as a result o any unauthorised intererence
or caused by oreign items. Failing to ollow the ope
rating and assembly instructions and common wear
are also not included in the guarantee.
GÜDE cannot be held responsible or damages
incurred in consequence o unqualied installation or
unskilled handling o the pump.
The device has to be checked on a regular basis to
ensure perect unctioning.
Let us reer to the act we do not assume any
responsibility – according to standards in orce – or
damage eventually caused by our appliances in the
belowmentioned cases
• Unproessional repairs executed by unauthorised
service centres;
• Use in conict with the designed purpose, or
ailure to observe the use as designed;
• Pump overload with a continuous run;
• Damage as a result o icing or any other ault
caused by climatic inuences;
Identical regulations apply or accessory parts.
To prevent damage (such as ooded rooms, etc.) as a
result o aulty pump operation (ailure or ault) the ow
ner (user) is obliged to take reasonable saety measures
(alarm assembly, spare pump, etc.).
Do you have any technical questions? Any claim? Do
you need any spare parts or operating instructions?
We will quickly help you and without needles bure
aucracy at our web pages at www.guede.com in the
Servicing part. Please help us be able to help you. In
order to identiy your device in case o claim we need
the serial No., product No. and year o production. All
this data can be ound on the type label. Please enter
it here or uture reerence
Serial No.:
Art. No:
Year o production:
Beore carrying out any work on the machine,
disconnect the plug rom the socket.
Prior to every use, visually check the machine to rule
out any deects, in particular on the power cable and
the plug.
The machine must not be used under any circum
stances i the machine or the saety devices are
In case o a ailure o the pump, a repair can only be
executed by the GÜDE service centre. Original spare