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Technical Data; Requirements For Operating Sta - Gude GS 4002 P Vertaling Van De Originele Gebruiksaanwijzing




Technical Data

Submersiblesewagepump GS 4002 P
Art. No .................................................................................94630
Service connection ................................. 230 V/ 50 Hz
Motor output P1 ...................................................400 W
Max. immersion .........................................................4 m
Max. head o delivery ..............................................5 m
Max. delivered quantity .................................7500 l/h
Max. suction ......................................................... 35 mm
Max. Water temperature .......................................35°C
Hose connection ................................................... 1 ¼" IG
Degree o protection ............................................ IP X8
Weight ...................................................................... 3,4 kg
measures stated in the service manual. Act responsib
ly toward third parties.
In case o any doubts about connection and operati
on reer please to our customer center
Specied Conditions Of Use
The pump is solely used or drainage and or pum
ping into and out o containers in the house, garden,
arm and agriculture and only or water.
Not observing general regulations in orce and
instructions rom this manual does not make the
manuacturer liable or damages.
Power tool description
1 | Sensor switch
2 | Suction oot
3 | Pump connection
4 | Pump connection angle
5 | Connecting branch or the hose itted
6 | Handle
7 | Power supply cable
Read and understand the opera
ting instructions beore using the
appliance. Abide by all the saety
The pump is not suited or longrun operation
(e.g. as a circulation pump in ponds or streams).
When used in this manner, its service lie is curtailed
correspondingly. In these cases, then, use a time
switch to secure sucient idle periods between
cycles o operation.
Do not leave the pump unattended while in
operation in order to prevent subsequent
damages caused by eventual malunctions. Make
sure to disconnect the device rom the grid i you
do not plan on using it.
Do not use the pump or drinking water!
The pump must not be connected to the
existing watersupply network as a pressure
boosting device.
Requirements for operating sta 
The operating sta must careully read the Opera
ting Instructions beore using the appliance.
Qualication  : Apart rom the detailed instructions
by a proessional, no special qualication is necessary
or appliance using.
Minimum age  : Persons over 16 years o age can
only work on the appliance. An exception includes
youngsters trained in order to reach knowledge
under supervision o the trainer during occupational
Training  : Using the appliance only requires corre
sponding training by a proessional or the Operating
Instructions. No special training is necessary.
The operator is responsible or accidents or risks to
third parties.
Observe to keep out o dangerous zone



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