The device may only be operated within residential buildings.
Function and device overview
With the HomeMatic Wireless Switch Actuator 1-channel with power me-
tering, plug adapter you can switch on and off connected consumers
(e.g. dryers) or other taught-in HomeMatic devices (e.g. dimming actua-
tors) and measure the energy consumption of connected loads (up to
3680 Watt (16 A)).
The HomeMatic Wireless Switch Actuator with power metering combines
two functionalities in one device:
Switching connected loads
Measuring voltage, current consumption, active power, frequen-
cy and energy consumption
Connected loads can be switched on and off via the switching channel.
In addition, taught-in HomeMatic devices and connected loads can be
switched on and off via the sensor channel.
Via the measuring channel, measured data such as voltage, current con-
sumption, active power, frequency and energy consumption can be send
to the HomeMatic Central Control Unit. Within the HomeMatic system,
the measured values can be transmitted cyclically to the HomeMatic
Central Control Unit and displayed graphically via the CCU2 user inter-
face WebUI. Measuring data will not be stored in the device.
All functions of the device can be configured with a CCU2 via
the HomeMatic user interface WebUI. The device can also be
integrated into the HomeMatic system and configured via the
HomeMatic Configuration Adapter.
Function and device overview