When using small saucepans you
can already cook with 180 °C or
1.400 watts. A too high setting
in combination with small sauce-
pans can cause damages of the
The non-stick-coating of coated
saucepans and frying pans can be
damaged if used with too strong
heating. Please follow the infor-
Cooking on an induction cooker saves
up to 50 % of electric power. The coo-
king time is reduced by up to 30 %.
When cooking on an induction coo-
ker, not the hotplate is heated, but
the saucepan on it, provided that the
bottom is ferromagnetic. The heating
is effected by a magnetic alternating
field below the hotplate.
The advantages of induction cooking
Short reaction time, short prehe-
ating time, quick and exact hea-
1. Overvoltage / low voltage protection
When power voltage is too high or too
low, the induction cooker will compen-
sate the voltage automatically and will
adjust the output power.
2. Overheating protection
When the temperature of the hotplate
is too high, the induction cooker will
stop automatically and a long buzzer
sound will be heard to alert you un-
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
til the temperature returns to normal
(fault E 5).
3. High voltage pulse protection
During operation, when power supply
receives a transient high voltage pulse
(e.g. lightning strike), the induction
cooker will stop automatically and in
one minute will resume automatically.
mation of the saucepan manufac-
turer with regard to the applica-
tion of the pots.
Choose in the case of doubt a
lower power setting or tempera-
ture to avoid damages. Put the
saucepan always precisely in the-
middle of the cooking field to
avoid error messages and automa-
tic switching off.
Rapid heating, since the full
amount of enery is immediately
Cool hotplate, which is only hea-
ted by the heat reflected from the
Great energy saving of up to
Easy cleaning, as food cannot
burn in case of boiling over.
High safety: as soon as the sau-
cepan is taken away from the
plate, the heat supply is stopped