Paul Hochköpper GmbH & Co. KG • Postfach 1727 • D-58467 Lüdenscheid • Tel.: (02351)185-0 • Fax: (02351)27666 • e-mail: • Internet:
13. Functions of the PEHA Infrared
attachment and remote control
Only one remote control unit can be used for
a given FM module with infrared attachment.
When the remote control unit is used for the first time its basic
level (level 0) and Group 1 are active.
To use another level (1 ... 6) in the remote control unit, the infrared
address for the remote control unit must be stored in the FM
module. This is done by holding down the attachment's button
continuously. Once the attachment's LED begins to blink, the
desired level button (1 ... 6) must be pressed and thereafter one
of the function buttons "On/Off - UP
The LED will stop blinking when a correct IR telegram has been
received; thus storing the IR address in a non-volatile memory.
After this procedure has been completed the button on the
attachment can be released.
13.1 Function selector switch - position 1
"Tactile dimmer memory"
If the dimmer was switched off, the dimming process will begin
with minimum brightness.
The dimming process stops at minimum or maximum brightness.
IR cover, remote station
Press button briefly
Switch on/off to
then release it
memory value
Press button for longer
Dim consumer up or down
Press button for longer
Dimming stops,
then release it
memory value is stored
Remote control unit
On/Off pressed briefly
Switch on/off to
then release it
memory value
pressed for longer
Dim consumer down
pressed for longer
Dim consumer up
, UP
Dimming stops,
after being pressed for longer
memory value is stored
Function pot. (s. Point 10)
Potentiometer function 1
Function LED (attachment)
LED lights upon receipt
of an IR telegram
13.2 Funktionswahlschalter - Stellung 2
"Tactile dimmer without memory"
If the dimmer was switched off, the dimming process will
begin with minimum brightness. The dimming process will
stop at minimum or maximum brightness.
IR cover, remote station
Press button briefly
Switch on/off with
then release it
maximum brightness
Press button for longer
Dim consumer up or down
Press button for longer
Dimming stops
then release it
Remote control unit
On/Off pressed briefly
Switch on/off with
then release it
maximum brightness
pressed for longer
Dim consumer down
pressed for longer
Dim consumer up
, UP
Dimming stops
after being pressed for longer
Function pot. (s. Point 10)
Potentiometer function 1
Function LED (attachment)
LED lights upon receipt
of an IR telegram
13.3 Function selector switch - position 3
"Time switch, short-term"
IR cover, remote station
or remote control
Press button briefly
Switch on for the preset
then release it
period or to switch off!
Function pot. (s. Point 10)
Potentiometer function 3
Function LED (attachment)
LED lights upon receipt
of an IR telegram!
Premature switch-off
13.4 Function selector switch - position 4
"Time switch, long-term"
IR cover, remote station
or remote control
Press button briefly
then release it
Function pot. (s. Point 10)
Function LED (attachment)
- Down
14. PEHA motion sensor
Setting switched-on time
and the ambient-light threshold:
The setting for switched-on time is made with the motion sensor's
adjustable potentiometer for switch-on period.
The setting for ambient-light threshold is made with the motion
sensor's adjustable potentiometer for ambient-light value.
14.1 Function selector switch - position 1
"Motion sensor"
In the event that both timers are running (switched-on time
in both the motion sensor and its remote station) the FM unit
will be switched off by the timer which expires last.
Remote station
Press button briefly
then release it
Illumination period (rem. station) 1 ... 60 minutes
Potentiometer (s. Point 10)
14.2 Function selector switch - position 2
"Multi-master motion sensor"
Another local motion sensor will also respond when the ambient-
light value has not been reached by the switched-on light.
Operating multiple units in parallel:
The setting for switched-on time is made with the given motion
sensor's adjustable potentiometer for switch-on period. The
setting for ambient-light threshold is made with the given motion
sensor's adjustable potentiometer for ambient-light value.
Caution!! Only a maximum of three motion sensors may be
used in parallel operation. The minimum load specification must
be maintained!
Functions of the remote station and pot.:
See 14.1, Function selector switch - position 1
14.3 Function selector switch - position 3
Following the expiration of the preset switch-on time the FM unit
will go into its switch-off warning mode (reduced brightness).
Thereafter, one has 60 s time to produce a motion that will keep
Switch on for the preset
the light switched on.
period or to switch off!
Otherwise the unit will shut off completely after this 60 s period.
Potentiometer function 4
Functions of the remote station and pot.:
LED lights upon receipt
See 14.1, Function selector switch - position 1
of an IR telegram!
Premature switch-off
14.4 Function selector switch - position 4
The button for continuous light will be deactivated after about 1
Functions of the remote station and pot.:
See 14.1, Function selector switch - position 1
14.5 Function selector switch - position 5
The motion sensor does not switch with full brightness. In the
event that both timers are running (switched-on time in both the
motion sensor and its remote station) the FM unit will be switched
off by the timer which expires last.
Switch-on for the preset
illumination period
Potentiometer function 5
"Motion sensor with switch-off warning"
"Motion sensor without continuous light button"
"Motion sensor with reduced brightness"
Remote station
Press button briefly
Switch-on for the preset
then release it
illumination period
Illumination period (rem. station) 5 minutes
Potentiometer (s. Point 10)
Potentiometer function 1
GB - 3