Small ingredients usually require a slightly shorter preparation time than larger ingredients.
A larger amount of ingredients only requires a slightly lonqer preparation time, a smaller amount of inqredients only
requires a sliqhtlv shorter preparation time.
Shaking smaller ingredients halfway during the preparation time optimizes the end result and can help prevent
unevenly fried ingredients.
Add some oil to fresh potatoes and fry your inqredients tor another few minutes tor a crispy result.
Do not prepare extremely greasy ingredients such as sausages in the Airfryer.
Snacks that can be prepared in an oven can also be prepared in the Airfryer.
The optimal amount for prepare crispy fries is 500 qrams.
Use premade dough to get snacks quickly and easily. Premade dough also requires a shorter preparation time
than home-made dough.
Please use a bakinq tin or oven dish in the fryer basket if u want to bake a cake or quiche or if u want to fry fragile
ingredients or filled ingredients,
You can also use the Airfryer to heat ingredients. To heat ingredients, set the temperature to 150 ℃ for up to 10
To make home-made fries, follow the steps below:
Make the potatoes peel and slice.
Wash the potato sticks thoroughly and dry them with kitchen paper.
Poor 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil in a bowl, put the sticks on top and mix until the sticks are coated with oil.
Remove the sticks from the bowl with your fingers or a kitchen utensil so that excess oil stays behind in the bowl
Put the sticks in the basket.
Fry the sticks according to the instructions in this chapter.