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Maintenance; Dismantling Procedures; Head Assembly - Avdel Genesis 07220 Handleiding



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M a i n t e n a n c e
Every 500,000 cycles the tool should be completely dismantled and new components should be used where worn, damaged or when
recommended. All 'O' rings and seals should be renewed and lubricated with Moly Lithium grease EP 3753 before assembling.
The employer is responsible for ensuring that tool maintenance instructions are given to the appropriate
The operator should not be involved in maintenance or repair of the tool unless properly trained.
The airline must be disconnected before any servicing or dismantling is attempted, unless specifically instructed otherwise.
It is recommended that any dismantling operation be carried out in clean conditions.
D i s m a n t l i n g P ro c e d u r e s
For total tool servicing we advise that you proceed with dismantling of sub-assemblies in the order shown below:


Connect tool to air supply.
Depress Trigger 87 and hold.
Disconnect air supply and release trigger.
Remove Screws 50 using Allen key*.
Lift off Head Assembly 53.
Remove Screw 75 using Allen key* and remove Washer 74.
Allow oil to drain.
Remove Gasket 51 and 'O' Ring 95.
Hold Head Assembly 53 in vice fitted with soft jaws, with Return Cylinder 56 uppermost.
Place return cylinder assembly tool* over Return Cylinder 56 and tighten clinch screw.
Use tool to unscrew cylinder from Head Assembly 53.
Remove tool.
Withdraw Return Piston 58 and Spring 59.
Remove 'O' Ring 60.
Pull pintail deflector from Deflector Fitting 61.
Remove Deflector Fitting 61 by removing Retaining Ring 65.
Remove six Screws 50 using Allen key *.
Slightly rotate Head Cap 17(63) and pull out.
Remove 'O' Ring 64, Lip Seal 15 and Wiper Ring 14 (66,67).
Place a flat rectangular bar approximately
Remove Thrust Washer 77 and Shim 76.
Gently tap Head Piston 54 out of rear of Head Assembly 53.
Remove Lip Seal 16 (72,73) from Head Sub-assembly 68.
Remove Anti-extrusion Ring 71 and Seal 70 from Head Piston 54.
Pressure Regulating Screw 85 is factory set and should not normally be disturbed. If attention is required note number of turns of
Pressure Regulating Screw 85 necessary to bring the screw level with surface of head cylinder.
Remove Pressure Regulating Screw 85 and withdraw Spring 84, Spring Guide 83 and steel Ball 82.
Using a suitable screwdriver, engage slot of Ball Seat 78 and unscrew from head cylinder.
Remove Seal 79 from head cylinder.
Complete assembly in reverse order to dismantling. Ensure Spring Guide 83 is fitted correct way round and that Pressure
Regulating Screw 85 is in its original position. When assembling Head Piston 54 into Head Sub-assembly 68 use head piston
bullet* fitted over piston threads.
When re-attaching Head Assembly 53 to Handle Assembly 1, care must be taken to ensure correct alignment between Gasket 51,
'O' Ring 95 and Screws 50.
To assist with alignment, apply a thin film of Molycote 111 grease to the upper surface of Gasket 51 and then stick the gasket to
the base of Head Assembly 53, ensuring correct alignment with the 'O' Ring 95 and screw holes.
Any overlap between Gasket 51 and 'O' Ring 95 must be avoided.
The grease will hold Gasket 51 in the correct position when attaching head Assembly 53 to Handle Assembly 1.
Safety Instructions appear on page 4.
" thick in slot of Head Extension Assembly 55 and unscrew from Head Sub-assembly
* Refers to items included in the 07220 Service Kit. For complete list see page 14.
Item numbers in bold refer to the General Assembly drawing and Parts List (pages 18-19).
* Items in parenthasis for tools prior to ser. no 14000.



