d) Adjusting the Overvoltage Cut-Off
If there is any technical defect in the lab mains adapter, the output sockets (5) may not have the previously set,
but the maximum possible direct voltage.
To protect the connected consumer from overvoltage damage in this case, the lab mains adapter has an
adjustable overvoltage cut-off.
To set the switching threshold for overvoltage cut-off, proceed as follows:
• Press and hold the pushbutton for displaying the currently set overvoltage cut-off value „SHOW VALUE" (13).
The LC display for the corresponding output displays the current overvoltage cut-off value.
• Use the rotary control (9) for the overvoltage cut-off value „OVP ADJ." to set the desired voltage value at
which the output is to be switched off. If the rotary control is turned clockwise to the right, the cut-off voltage is
increased; if the control is turned to the left, the voltage value is reduced.
• If the lab mains adapter is intact, the „OVER VOLTAGE" (10) display must go out when the overvoltage cut-off
value is above the output voltage set.
Once the output voltage exceeds the value set for overvoltage cut-off, the corresponding output is powered
down and the „OVER VOLTAGE" display (10) lights up.
In this case, switch off the lab mains adapter immediately and disconnect the consumer's connection lines.
Reactivate the lab mains adapter without consumers and test correct output voltage control; check if the
overvoltage cut-off value is above the output voltage set.
If the display „OVER VOLTAGE" (10) does not go out again independently of the control settings, the lab
mains adapter has a technical defect. In this case, the lab mains adapter must be sent to our customer
service department for inspection and repair.
e) Connecting Consumers
First ensure that the total power of all consumers together does not exceed the maximum output of the lab
mains adapter.
• Ensure that consumers are always switched off when they are connected to the lab mains adapter. Otherwise,
there may be sparks that may damage both the output sockets and the connection cables.
• Switch on the lab mains adapter.
• Set the required operating voltage for the respective consumers at the lab mains adapter.
• Set the current limitation to the required value.
• Connect the plus connection (+) of the consumer to the red (+) output socket of the lab mains adapter (5) and
the minus connection (-) of the consumer to the blue (-) output socket (5) of the lab mains adapter. Use
sufficiently large cables with standard plugs or standardised lab cables.
• Earth the consumers using the intended earthing connection (14) of the lab mains adapter.
If the lab mains adapter overheats, the yellow LED (7) of the overheating display („OT") lights up, and
the output current is switched off automatically. In this case, switch off the lab mains adapter
immediately and disconnect the consumers.
Let the lab mains adapter cool off and ensure unhindered air circulation. The cooling fins (20) should
be clean and dustfree, and the casing openings should not be covered.