1. This system only supports FAT32 format. A new SD card should be formatted
under FAT32.
2. This system only supports short file name (folder name also), it can only be
composed by no more than an 8 character file name and 3 character extension
name. The file name and extension name can be composed alphanumerics.
3. SD card supports a maximum of 20 folders. Each folder can save 256 *.ild files
and 10 *.prg files at most. One folder can have more than one PRG file, but
there must be one PRG file name exactly the same as the folder name. DO
NOT use the SD card to save other documents.
4. The SD card function requires a simple text file which tells the control program
the play speed and repeat information for the .ild files. A user must use a TXT
document to save and edit the program table; the extension name for this file is
".prg". The program list is made of the ILDA file names, play speed and play
times, each of them is separated by ",". If the ILDA file is created by ISHOW
software, user should put an "i" on this line. User must only create one .ild
program on each line.
For example, we create one program list using the name "prg1.prg". It is made
of file1.ild, file2.ild, file3.ild. The play speed of file1.ild is 12k, repeat playing 3
times. The play speed of file2.ild is 20k, playing once, and this file is created by
ISHOW software. The play speed of file3.Ild is 18k, playing 4 times. Then the
content of "prg1.prg" is as follows: