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Functions; Sine Motors; Decoder Installation - Marklin Digital 60983 Handleiding



The mLD3 is a decoder with a wide variety of setting and
adjustment options.
The setting and digital functions can only be used in digital
operation. However, not all of the same options are available
in all protocols.
• Multi-protocol capable (fx (MM), mfx, DCC, and AC/DC).
• Automatic system recognition.
• Acceleration and braking delay can be set separately
from each other.
• Variable motor control in digital as well as in analog
• Supports 6090, 60901, DC, Sine, and motors with bell-
shaped armatures.
• Function mapping, see Help area in the
60213/60214/60215/60216/60226 Central Station or an
extensive table for function mapping can be found on
the Internet at:
• Update capable with the 60213/60214/60215 CS2 (Soft-
ware Version 4.0 or higher), 60216/60226 CS3, or with the
60971 Programmer.
• Programming on Main (PoM), this kind of programming
must be supported by the controller.
• Adjustable switching range
• Braking section / signal stop section recognition in digital
• Automatic calibration of the locomotive with CV7 (mfx,

Sine Motors

The control of Sine motors requires special settings:
• The following CVs are to be set as indicated:
CV 51 at 24 or 0
CV 52 at 1
CV 56 at 0
• In addition, AUX 3 and/or AUX 4 must be set in the func-
tion mapping at „always" and in the advanced decoder
settings at „logical output".

Decoder Installation

Before the installation, the locomotive must be checked for
trouble-free mechanical and electrical function. It may be
necessary to repair the locomotive before the conversion.
Note: We cannot cover any warranty for damage caused by
unprofessional work.
Locomotives / Powered Units with NEM 652 Interface
Insert the plug on the decoder cable into the corresponding
interface connector on the locomotive (pay attention to
the correct position). Use the corresponding free wires for
additional connections (AUX 2 – AUX 4). If the connections
are not required, make sure that the wires are well insulated
(or cut them off).
The most basic thing to remember is that the decoder or the
connections (wires) must not come into contact with metal
or electrically conductive parts on the locomotive.

