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Training Instructions - Christopeit Sport AX 8000 Montage- En Bedieningsinstructie



You must consider the following factors in determining the amount of
training effort required in order to attain tangible physical and health
The level of physical exertion during training must exceed the point
of normal exertion, without going beyond the point of breathlessness
and/or exhaustion. A suitable reference value can be the pulse. With
each training session, the condition increases and therefore the trai-
ning requirements should be adjusted. This is possible by extending the
duration of the training, increasing the level of difficulty or changing
the type of training.
To determine the training heart rate, you can proceed as follows.
Please note that these are guide values. If you have health problems or
are unsure, consult a doctor or fitness trainer.
01: Maximum heart rate calculation
The maximum pulse value can be determined in many different
ways, since the maximum pulse depends on many factors. You can
use the main-formula for the calculation (maximum heart rate = 220
- age). This formula is very general. It is used in many home sport
products to determine the maximum heart rate. We recommend
the Sally-Edwards-formula. This formula calculates the maximum
heart rate more precisely and takes gender, age and body weight
into account.
Maximum heart rate = 214 - (0.5 x age) - (0.11 x body weight)
Maximum heart rate = 210 - (0.5 x age) - (0.11 x body weight)
02: Training heart rate calculation
The optimal training heart rate is determined by the goal of the trai-
ning. Training zones were defined for this.
Health - Zone: Regeneration and Compensation
Suitable for: Beginners / type of training: very light cardio
training / goal: recovery and health promotion. Building the
basic condition.
Training heart rate = 50 to 60% of the maximum heart rate
Fat-Metabolism - Zone: Basics endurance training 1
Suitable for beginners and advanced users / type of training:
light cardio training / goal: activation of fat metabolism
(calorie burning). improvement in endurance performance.
Training heart rate = 60 to 70% of the maximum heart rate
Aerobic - Zone: Basics endurance training 1 to 2
Suitable for beginners and advanced / type of training: moderate
cardio training. / Aim: Activation of the fat metabolism
(calorie burning), improving aerobic performance,
Increase in endurance performance.
Training heart rate = 70 to 80% of the maximum heart rate
Anaerobic - Zone: Basics endurance training 2
Suitable for advanced and competitive athletes / type of training:
moderate endurance training or interval training / goal: improve-
ment of lactate tolerance, maximum increase in performance.
Training heart rate = 80 to 90% of the maximum heart rate
Competition - Zone: Performance / Competition Training
Suitable for athletes and high-performance athletes / type of trai-
ning: intensive interval training and competition training / goal:
improvement of maximum speed and power. ATTENTION! Training
in this area can lead to overloading of the cardiovascular system
and damage to health.
Training heart rate = 90 to 100% of the maximum heart rate
Sample calculation:
Male, 30 years old and weighs 80 kg. I am a beginner and would like
to lose some weight and increase my endurance.
01: Maximum pulse - calculation
Maximum heart rate = 214 - (0.5 x age) - (0.11 x body weight)
Maximum heart rate = 214 - (0.5 x 30) - (0.11 x 80)
Maximum pulse = approx. 190 beats/min
02: Training heart rate calculation
Due to my goals and training level, the fat metabolism zone
suits me best.
Training heart rate = 60 to 70% of the maximum heart rate
Training heart rate = 190 x 0.6 [60%]
Training heart rate = approx. 114 beats/min
After you have set your training heart rate for your training condition or
Once you have identified goals, you can start training. Most of our pro-
ducts have heart rate sensors or are heart rate belt compatible. So you
can check your heart rate on the monitor during the workouts. If the
pulse rate is not shown on the computer display or you want to be on
the safe side and want to check your pulse rate, which could be incor-
rectly displayed due to possible application errors or similar, you can
use the following tools:
a. Pulse measurement in the conventional way (sensing the pulse beat,
e.g. on the wrist and counting the beats within a minute).
b. Heart rate measurement with suitable and calibrated heart rate
measuring devices (available from medical supply stores).
c. Heart rate measurement with other products such as heart rate mo-
nitors, smartphones....
Most experts recommend the combination of a health-conscious diet,
which must be adjusted according to the training goal, and physical
exercise three to five times a week. A normal adult needs twice a week
exercise to maintain its current condition. To improve his condition and
change his body weight, he needs at least three training sessions per
week. Ideal of course is a frequency of five training sessions per week.
Each training session should consist of three training phases: „warm-
up phase", „training phase" and „cool-down phase". In the „warm-up
phase" the body temperature and the oxygen supply should be increa-
sed slowly. This is possible through gymnastic exercises over a period
of five to ten minutes. After that you start with actual training "training
phase". The training load should be adapted according to the training
heart rate. In order to support the circulation after the training phase
and to preventaching or strained muscles later, it is necessary to follow
the training phase with a cool-down phase. This should be consist of
stretching exercises and/ or light gymnastic exercises for a period of
five to ten minutes.
Example - stretching exercises for the warm-up and cool-down
Start your warm up by walking on the spot for at least 3 minutes
and then perform the following gymnastic exercises to the body
for the training phase to prepare accordingly. The exercises do not
overdo it and only as far run until a slight drag felt. This position
will hold a while.
The key to a successful program is regular training. You should set a
fixed time and place for each day of training and prepare yourself men-
tally for the training. Only train when you are in the mood for it and al-
ways have your goalin view. With continuous training you will be able
to see how you are progressing day by day and are approaching your
personal training goal bit by bit.
Reach with your left hand behind your
head to the right shoulder and pull with
the right hand slightly to the left elbow. Af-
ter 20sec. switch arm.
Bend forward as far forward as possible
and let your legs almost stretched. Show it
with your fingers in the direction of toe. 2
x 20sec.
Sit down with one leg stretched out on the
floor and bend forward and try to reach
the foot with your hands. 2 x 20sec.
Kneel in a wide lunge forward and support
yourself with your hands on the floor. Press
the pelvis down. Change after 20 sec leg.



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