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Christopeit Sport AX 8000 Montage- En Bedieningsinstructie pagina 21



Programm Manual:
PROGRAM MANUAL is a manual program. Press „F" key to select TIME,
DISTANCE or CAL.. Then, press (+) or (-) key to adjust the values. The
default level of loading is 6.
After pressing „START/STOP" key to exercise, please also apply the he-
art rate detector appropriately. Users may exercise in any desire level
(by pressing (+) or (-) during the workout) with a period of time or a
certain distance.
Exercising with a specific Goal:
TIME Control: Sets up a period of time to exercise. (5-99Min.)
DISTANCE Control: Sets up a certain distance to exercise. (1-999km)
CALORIE Control: Sets up certain calories to exercise. (10-990kcal)
Set exercise parameters with F-key for Time/Distance/Calories
and Pulse.
Preset Programs P1-P10:
PROGRAM 1 to PROGRAM 10 are the preset programs. Press „F" key to
select TIME, DISTANCE or CAL. Then, press (+) or (-) key to adjust the
values. Users may exercise with different level of loading in different
intervals as the profiles show. After pressing „START/STOP" key to exer-
cise, please also apply the heart rate detector appropriately. Users may
also exercise in any desire level (by pressing (+) or (-) during the work-
out) with a period of time or a certain distance. Set exercise parame-
ters with F-key for Time/Distance/Calories and Pulse.
User Setting Programs P11-P15:
Program 11 to Program 15 are the user-setting programs. Users are
free to edit the values in the order of TIME, DISTANCE, CAL. and the le-
vel of loading in 10 intervals.
The values and profiles will be stored in the memory after setup. After
pressing „START/STOP" key to exercise, please also apply the heart rate
detector appropriately. Users may also change the ongoing loading in
each interval by pressing (+) or (-) key, and they will not change the le-
vel of loading stored in the memory. With the input of age, the com-
puter may suggest a target heart rate to exercise. The suggested heart
rate is 80% (220 – age). So, if the heart rate detected equals to or grea-
ter than the TARGET H.R., the
value of HEART RATE will keep flashing. Please note that it is a warning
for users to speed down or to lower the level of loading. Set exercise
parameters with F-key for Time/Distance/Calories and Pulse and Watts
Speed Independent Watt-Program P16
Speed Independent Watt-Program P16:
Here you can enter your individual watt specification. Within a certain
tolerance range, the pedaling resistance is automatically adjusted by
the computer, regardless of the cadence, so that you are always in the
specified zone. Setting the training parameters time/distance/calories/
upper pulse limit/watts by using the „F" key.
Heart Rate Control Programs P17-P20:
Program 17 to Program 20 are the Heart Rate Control Programs. In Pro-
gram 17 to Program 19, press „F" key to select TIME, DISTANCE, CAL.
and AGE. Then, press (+) or (-) key to adjust the values. Users may exer-
cise in a period of time or a certain distance with 55% Max Heart Rate
in Program 17, 75% Max Heart Rate in Program 18, and 95% Max Heart
Rate in Program 19. After pressing „START/STOP" key to exercise, plea-
se also apply the heart rate detector appropriately. In these programs,
the computer will adjust the level of loading according to the heart
rate detected. For example, the level of loading may increase while the
heart rate detected is lower than TARGET H.R. Also, the level of loading
may decrease while the heart rate detected is higher than TARGET H.R.
As a result, the user's heart rate will be adjusted to close the TARGET
H.R. in the range of TARGET H.R. –5 and TARGET H.R. +5. With the input
of age, the computer may suggest a target heart rate toexercise. The
suggested heart rate is 80% (220 – age).
So, if the heart rate detected equals to or greater than the TARGET
H.R., the value of HEART RATE will keep flashing. Please note that it is a
warning for users to slow down or to lower the level of loading.
In program 20, press „F" key to select TIME, DISTANCE, CAL. and TAR-
GETH.R. Users may setup a target heart rate to exercise in a period of
time ora certain distance.
BODY FAT Program P21
In non-exercising status, press F-key to enter body fat parameters set-
tings. You can set from the below sequence: User No. (1 - 8), height
(120-250CM), gender, age (10-99), weight (20-200KG). Press F-key to
proceed to next parameter setting. Press + key to increase the setting
value while press - key to decrease. When you finish setting, press
START/STOP key and hold the pulse sensor. Then the display will show
your body fat data and your individual body fat program in 10 seconds.
Press START/STOP again to exit body fat test and press again to start
exercising this program.
Underweight Healthy
Männlich/ ≤ 30
< 14%
Männlich/> 30
< 17%
Weiblich/≤ 30
< 17%
Weiblich/ > 30
< 20%
Slightly Over-
> 35%
> 38%
> 40%
> 43%



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