If you integrate the device into your home WiFi, you can conveniently operate it via the
associated Klarstein app. The app not only allows you to remotely control the device via
your smartphone, but also gives you access to additional information.
Follow these steps to connect your smartphone to your Klarstein device:
1. Download the Klarstein app first by scanning the QR code with your smartphone
(see below), or download it directly from App Store or Google Play.
2. Make sure your smartphone is connected to the same WiFi network that your
Klarstein device is to be connected to.
3. Open the Klarstein app.
4. Sign in to your account. If you do not have an account, sign up in the Klarstein app.
5. Follow the instructions from the app.
App Download
Use the scan function of your smartphone to scan the QR code and save the app on
your smartphone.
Note: The app provides further information on how to use the app and help on how
to connect to your device as soon as you open it for the first time.