3. Remove the two fastening screws located above and below the blade opening on the
Blade Housing (Image B), and ensure that the nuts do not fall from the other side
4. Slot the recessed end of the Upper Blower Tube into the corresponding part of the Blade
5. Insert and fasten the four screws that were removed in steps 2 and 3. The screws
removed in step 2 should now be inserted through the lower part of the blade opening
(Image C)
6. Repeat steps 2 and 4 for inserting the Lower Blower Tube (6) into the Upper Blower Tube
7. Fasten the two screws located on the upper and lower portion of the opening of the Upper
Blower Tube to fix the Lower Blower Tube into place (Image D)
Attaching the debris collector
1. Unfasten the hook and loop strap at the opening of the Debris Collector (13) to loosen the
2. Pull the opening of the Debris Collector over the Debris Collector Flange (11), tighten the
hook and loop strap, and fasten to secure the Debris Collector to the leaf blower
(Image E)
Attaching the shoulder strap
WARNING: Do not use the leaf blower without the Shoulder Strap (12).
Attach the Shoulder Strap to the shoulder strap mounting point located just in front of the
Ignition Switch (14)
Preparing 2-stroke mix
Note: This blower vacuum is powered by a 2-stroke engine that requires a petrol/oil mixture
as fuel.
WARNING: ALWAYS use dedicated fully synthetic 2-stroke oil. DO NOT use regular engine
oil for 2-stroke mix.
1. Use a suitable 2-stroke fuel mixing bottle to measure the required amount of oil, see
mixing chart below
Unleaded Petrol
Fully Synthetic
2-Stroke Oil
WARNING: DO NOT pour oil directly into the Fuel Tank (22). The 2-stroke mix needs to be
prepared and thoroughly mixed in a separate container, prior to being poured into the trimmer.
2. Pour the required amount of 2-stroke oil followed by unleaded petrol into the Fuel Mixing
Bottle, close and shake until thoroughly mixed
Note: 2-stroke mix must not be stored long-term. ONLY mix the amount required for
immediate consumption. Refer to the 'Storing Fuel' section for further information.
Filling with fuel
WARNING: Danger of fire and burn injuries. Take extra care when fuelling this machine.
WARNING: NEVER fill with fuel whilst the engine is running. Switch off the engine and wait
until it has cooled before refuelling.
WARNING: ONLY refuel the hedge trimmer outdoors, in well-ventilated areas.
WARNING: ALWAYS open the fuel tank carefully to allow potential pressure build-up inside
the tank to release slowly. Never open the fuel tank while the engine is running.
Always use extreme care when handling fuel. Fuel is highly flammable
Never attempt to fuel the hedge trimmer if the fuel system components are damaged or
are leaking
Never attempt to refuel the engine while it is running or still warm; allow it to cool before
Never smoke or light fires near the hedge trimmer or fuels
Always transport and store fuels in an approved container
Never place flammable material close to the engine exhaust
Do not use petrol which contains ethanol or methanol as it may damage the fuel lines and
other engine parts
Mix only enough fuel for immediate needs. If fuel must be stored longer than 30 days, it
should first be treated with a stabiliser or similar product
1. Premix the fuel in the Fuel Mixing Bottle (2), following the guidelines under 'Preparing
2-stroke mix'
2. Place the unit on a secure, flat surface and wipe away any debris from around the Fuel
Cap (23)
3. Unscrew the Fuel Cap and pour the mixture into the tank with the aid of a funnel
Note: Be careful not to spill any of the fuel mixture. If this happens, wipe the spill with
a clean rag.
In order to avoid risk of fire, start up the engine at least three metres away from the area
where the Fuel Tank has been filled
Direction control
WARNING: ALWAYS wear eye protection, adequate respiratory and hearing protection, as
well as suitable gloves, when working with this tool.
WARNING: The blade will continue to move for a few seconds after the engine has been
Running in the engine
Note: During run-in and cold starts in colder climates it may be necessary to change the fuel/
oil ratio to 25:1.
During the first five hours of use, run the engine at a moderate speed
The engine will reach its maximum power output at the end of the run-in period
Switching on/off
1. Press the ignition switch into the 'I' position, towards the Front Handle (10) (Image F)
2. If the engine is being started from cold, move the Choke Lever (20) into the 'closed'
position for starting (Image G)
3. Press the Primer Bulb (21), approximately three times, until the bulb is filled with fuel
(Image H)
4. Pull the Recoil Starter (26) two or three times until the engine starts
Note: It may be required to pull the Recoil Starter more, depending on the ambient
temperature and the fuel status.
Note: If starting problems persist, move the choke into the ½ closed position to prevent the
engine from flooding.
5. Move the Choke Lever into the 'open' position by pushing the lever down to the end of its
6. Allow the engine to run at idle for ten seconds to allow the engine to warm up
To switch the leaf blower off, press the Ignition Switch (14) into the 'Stop' position
To operate the leaf blower, squeeze the Throttle Trigger (15)