In procuring this optical product from SWAROVSKI OPTIK you now
own a top-quality instrument for which we grant a worldwide warranty
of 10 years from the date of purchase in accordance with the following
If defects in material and/or workmanship appear, we will take over
material costs for the entire warranty period. We reserve the right in such
instances to repair or replace the instrument or the defective part at our
discretion. During the first five years we will take over the costs for mate-
rials and work.
This guarantee in no way limits the statutory warranty obligations.
In the event that the range of products is changed, we reserve the right
to repair defective instruments or to replace them with those of equal
We undertake no liability for repairs carried out by a repair shop
which has not been authorized by us, nor for damages caused by im-
proper use, nor for direct or indirect damages brought about by defects
on the instrument. In addition, all parts are excluded from the warranty
which are subject to natural wear, such as eye cups, carry straps, cases,
armouring, etc.
This warranty is valid only when this warranty/service document has
been duly dated, stamped and signed by the Authorized dealer on the
day of purchase.
In a warranty case and as well for service and/or repair work please
present the instrument to your authorized SWAROVSKI OPTIK dealer
together with this warranty/service document or send it, delivery-free,
directly to our address. Instruments sent without the warranty/service
document enclosed will be repaired and the costs charged to the custo-
mer. The return shipment of the instrument, insured (means of transport
at our discretion), is free of charge in the case of repairs covered under
warranty, otherwise charged to the customer. For shipments to foreign
countries any foreign customs duties or fiscal charges are charged to
the recipient.
This warranty is given by Swarovski-Optik AG & Co KG., Absam,
Austria. The place of jurisdiction is Innsbruck; Austrian law applies.
Insofar as other guarantees/warranties (whether legally or voluntary)
are pledged in individual countries, these must be fulfiled by the respec-
tive importer or authorized dealer. Swarovski-Optik AG & Co KG.,
Absam, Austria, can therefore accept liability only when a legal obli-
gation exists to do so.
Remarks for the United States of America:
For warranty services all products purchased in the United States, our
only warranty authorized service is through SWAROVSKI OPTIK North
America. For further information please call 1-800-426-3089.