3. Hold the back can in place in the ceiling, while tightening the mounting
clamp screws clockwise (Fig. 18). Do this systematically until all eight clamps
are in position and holding the back can securely to the ceiling drywall.
1. A paint mask is supplied to protect the back can from paint, dust, and debris.
It allows you to paint and finish the ceiling after the installation of the back can.
2. Press the paint mask into the front of the back can, where it will be kept
in place by magnets. This mask is left in place while the ceiling and frame
surround is painted (Fig.19).
3. It is strongly recommended that the metal perforated grille is sprayed
separately, as this will avoid clogging of the holes. If painting with a brush is
the only option, then several thin coats of paint will provide a superior finish to
that achieved by one applied too thickly.
Installing the Loudspeaker
1. Remove the paint mask from the back can.
2. Note that loudspeaker assembly will only fit into the back can in one way:
the connector on the rear of the loudspeaker assembly must align with the
matching connector on the back can.
3. Install the loudspeaker into the back can and secure it in place with the screws
Fig. 18. Tighten the mounting clamp screws (X8)
Fig. 19. Install the paint mask
Fig. 20. Install the loudspeaker
Grille Installation
1. The grille should be carefully fitted by lining up the edges of the grille carefully
with the baffle and frame inside edges (Fig. 21). To avoid indentation damage,
do not press the centre of the grille; apply even pressure to each corner as it is
pressed firmly into position.
2. To remove the grille, loop an opened paper clip or similar length of firm wire,
through two holes near a corner and pull gently. The grille is intended to be
a tight fit, so insert the wire at each corner in turn, pulling carefully to avoid
distortion of the mesh.
System Testing
1. Switch on the amplifier with the volume control at its lowest setting. Select
a suitable signal source and slowly turn up the volume to a low level. Check
that the loudspeaker is working correctly and is in phase - if not, switch off the
amplifier and recheck the connections.
2. Carefully check the area surrounding the installation and listen carefully
to ensure that there are no buzzes or rattles that could potentially impair
enjoyment of the system. If there are, then locate and silence the causes using
cable ties or suitable packing material.
Quick Start Guide
Fig. 21. Install the grille