the condensed milk, put the ice cream
mixture in a different container and
let it cool, then put it in the refriger-
ator for one hour. Whip the whipping
cream until stiff and fold it into the
cooled pudding mixture. Pour the mix-
ture into the running ice cream maker
and let it freeze for 15 to 30 minutes.
Chocolate ice cream
100 ml milk, 1 egg yolk, 40 g sugar,
1/2 package vanilla sugar, 50 g milk
chocolate, 100 g cream, 1 Tsp. cocoa
Heat the milk in a pan and let it boil
up once. In the meantime, beat the
egg yolk with the vanilla sugar into a
foam mixture. In this process drizzle
the sugar into the mixture slowly. Stir-
ring the hot milk constantly with the
wire whisk, slowly pour it into the ice
cream foam mixture. Put the egg/milk
mixture back into the milk pan, and
again heat it up under constant stir-
ring until the liquid thickens slightly.
Pour the entire mixture into a mixing
bowl and let it cool for half an hour.
In the meantime melt the chocolate
with three tablespoons in the water
bath under constant stirring and stir it
into the egg milk mixture with a heap-
ing teaspoon of cocoa until the choco-
late is completely dissolved. Allow the
mixture to cool for half an hour, then
again put it in the refrigerator for ap-
prox. one hour.
Whip the remaining whipping cream
slightly and fold it into the chocolate/
Stand 11.2.2020
Copyright UNOLD AG |
milk mixture. Pour the entire mixture
into the running ice cream machine
and let it freeze approx. 30 minutes.
Frozen yogurt
90 g cream, approx. 40 g powdered
sugar, 175 g yogurt, any flavour (e.g.
fruit yogurt or nut yogurt), 1 egg
Whip the cream and the powdered
sugar until it is creamy. Drizzle the
egg into the yogurt and fold the cream
into the yogurt. Pour the mixture into
the running ice cream maker and let it
freeze for approx. 25 minutes.
Ice cream Schokoküsse (chocolate kiss-
es – a German confection consisting of
marshmallow cream dipped in choco-
late on a waffle)
4 chocolate kisses, 1-2 Tsp. powdered
sugar, 175 ml milk
Carefully take the chocolate kisses
apart. To do this detach the waffle
bases and the chocolate glaze, and set
these items aside. Pour the sugar foam
into a bowl. Add the sugar and milk
to the sugar foam and stir everything
together into an homogeneous cream.
Pour this into the ice cream maker and
freeze for approx. 10 minutes. Now
add the chocolate fragments to the ice
cream mixture and freeze everything
for an additional 10 to 15 minutes.
In the meantime place the chocolate
kiss waffles on a tray. After the freez-
ing time elapses use a large ice cream
scoop (size 14) and place a large scoop
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