To add or remove a reading voice, select the language from the list by tapping on the language.
This will display a list with available voices for the selected language. To enable a reading voice,
select it from the list by tapping on it. A checkmark in front of the voice name will indicate if it is
enabled. When the voice is enabled, it will be available under the "Voice" button in the main menu.
By deselecting a voice, the voice will be removed from the available reading voices. The
languages of which a reading voice is selected, will appear at the top of the list with languages,
and be marked with a checkmark.
The options menu contains the following
configuration settings:
Text recognition quality
Activate Speech
Automatic language detection
Column filter
Text recognition quality
This option lets you set the recognition quality.
The "Optimal" setting is the recommended mode
and will offer the best text recognition quality.
The "Fast" mode is for simple documents without
columns and pictures. The "Fast" mode is up to
30% faster than the "Optimal" mode.
Activate Speech
This option lets you configure how to activate the
Speech mode by tapping either in the bottom
right corner or anywhere on the screen.
ClearView Speech