RZ_FM 30_1018.qxp_Text_GB 25.10.18 09:55 Seite 22
Problems with the device
Device is leaking at the
screw connection
Spray pattern of
nozzle not OK
Pump does not build
up any pressure
Disposal & Legislation
9.1 Environmental protection & disposal of the device >>
arated according to the different materials and disposed of at a recycling collection point. The
materials can be recycled according to their designations.
Please check with your local government to find the appropriate disposal point.
Empty the device before disposal and render it unusable.
9.2 Disposal of packaging >>
environment ally- suitable and disposal-related aspects and are therefore recyclable.
Returning the packaging to the material circulation saves raw materials and reduces the level of
waste. Please dispose of unwanted pack aging materials according to applicable local regulations.
EU Declaration of Conformity
EU Declaration of Conformity for a module as defined by Article 4,
section 3 of the Directive on pressure equipment 2014/68/EU
Wetrok AG
Steinackerstrasse 62
8302 Kloten
confirms that the pressurised components of the foam spraying device SF3 comply with Directive
2014/68/EU, article 4, paragraph 3.
Kloten, 09.04.2019
Thomas Kyburz
Hose loose
Nozzle partially blocked
Filter in quick closure valve
O-ring on piston is
The packaging materials have been selected according to
Irene von Büren
PM Chemicals
Tighten coupling nut
and carry out pressure
test with water
Clean filter or nozzle
Replace O-ring
The device must be sep-