SmartLocker AX
Different times for G2 locks
The internal time unit of the G2 locks has a technical tolerance of up to
± 15 minutes per year.
Qualifications required
The installation and commissioning requires specialized knowledge.
Only trained personnel may install and commission the product.
Modifications or further technical developments cannot be excluded
and may be implemented without notice.
The German language version is the original instruction manual. Other
languages (drafting in the contract language) are translations of the
original instructions.
Read and follow all installation, installation, and commissioning in-
structions. Pass these instructions and any maintenance instructions to
the user.
3 Initial operation
3.1 Programming
3.2 Measurement and calculation
(For programming for SmartIntego, see Step-by-Step
LSM open.
1. Click
to open the window "New lock".
2. Use Lock type to select "AX SmartLocker".
3. Program the SmartLocker AX.
SmartLocker AX is programmed.
3. Initial operation
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