Make sure that the cooked ingredients have cooled down to room temperature when you start to make the
salad. Cut the potatoes, the carrots, the beetroots, the pickles, and the onions in cubes with the gray box (E4).
Place the cubes in a large salad bowl. Add the green peas and the chopped green onions. Mix delicately. Season
with salt and pepper. Pour in the vegetable oil and mix again. Decorate with parsley before serving.
Suggestion : add saveloy cubes cut using the gray box (E4).
Tip: do not overcook the ingredients so as to maintain the right texture for cutting.
Minestrone Soup
Green box (E1): thin slicer
Gray box (E4): cubes
Ingredients for 4 people
1 peeled onion cut in half • 1 medium carrot, peeled • 1 medium potato, peeled • 1 medium courgette,
peeled • 100g green cabbage, chopped • 2 cloves of garlic, smashed • 1L steer broth • 400g canned
tomatoes, diced • 400g canned white beans, rinsed and drained • 15g chopped basil leaves. 1 tbsp olive oil
Cut the onion, the carrot, the potato, and the courgette into cubes using the gray box (E4). Slice your cabbage
using the green box (E1). Pour the olive oil in a large pot and stir fry the onion and garlic for 3 minutes. Add
the carrot, potato and courgette cubes. Mix thoroughly. Add the steer broth and the tomatoes. Bring to a boil.
Let simmer for 30 minutes. Add the cabbage, the beans and the basil. Season to taste. Let simmer for 10
Fruit Carpaccio
Green box (E1) : thin slicer
Ingredients for 6 people
2 apples, peeled, cut in two •1 mango, peeled, cut in four • 3 bananas, peeled • 2 kiwis, peeled • 200g of
strawberries • ½ lemon • powdered sugar • 1 bouquet of fresh mint
Slice the fruits with the green box (E1). Sprinkle slightly with sugar and add some lemon juice. Distribute the
fruits on your plates creating a colourful composition. Using a brush, coat with some of the juice given off by
the fruits in order to achieve a shiny aspect. Take the mint leaves with your hand and place them delicately
over the carpaccio.
Serve very cold. You can accompany this with a ball of ice cream of your choice.
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