Trigger setup
Press the 'MODE' button repeatedly until the 'trigger' setting
Use the 'UP' cursorkey to change the trigger-mode (norm,
run or roll).
Trigger modes :
"norm"= Normal trigger: A triggering (or manual trigger) must
occur before the sample memory is filled. Use this mode when
you want to start displaying the signal when it reaches a preset
threshold value. (Fig 16)
"run"= Auto-trigger mode, the scope automatically triggers if
no triggering occurs for a fixed period of time. This position is
used most frequently and should always be used for measuring
DC voltages in particular. (Fig 17)
"roll"= Roll-mode is available for timebases of 1s/div or slower.
Sampling is continuous and the screen starts rolling as soon as it is
full. Use this position for "recording" slow moving dc signals. (Fig 18)
At time base of 1s/div and slower, the input coupling is DC-only
Normal triggering is the only triggermode for timebases of 2µs/div
or faster because of the oversampling method.
Trigger slope
Press the 'DOWN' cursorkey to set triggering at the rising or
falling edge of the input signal.
Triggering on the rising slope of the signal :
The screen will only display the signal when a positive slope is
"detected", viz. the signal has to rise in vertical direction in
order to trigger. (Fig 14)
Triggering on the falling slope of the signal:
The screen will only display the signal when a negative slope is
"detected", viz. the signal has to drop in vertical direction in
order to trigger. (Fig 15)
Between triggering and the first sample-aquisition there is a
fixed hardware-determined delay. Because of this delay, the
sampled signal can show a different slope at fast timebases.
VPS10 Panel Scope