Driving Assistant
The vehicle has a rear drive (2WD). This makes driving especially on slippery or loose ground a bit more difficult for
beginners than in vehicles with all-wheel drive (4WD).
In case of strong acceleration, the vehicle may break out to the rear, which requires strong steering against the move-
ment to keep the vehicle in its track. However, this requires a lot of practice.
For this reason, the vehicle has a driving assistant (also called a gyro) as a special feature. When the vehicle breaks
out, it will counter-steer at the rear of the vehicle to permit simpler steering of the vehicle even at strong acceleration.
The driving assistant is below the driver's figure, which places it in the optimal location at the centre of the vehicle.
All settings have already been made by the manufacturer. The factory settings do not need to be changed.
Access to the PCB of the driving assistant requires screwing off of the overroll bar. For this, two screws each must be
removed on the right and left. Then remove the driver's figure to the side.
A Dial switch for neutral position/middle position of the
connected servos
B Dial switch for dual rate setting (servo path limiter)
C Switch for reverse setting
D LEDs for display of the turn around the vertical axis of
the vehicle
E Connection for steering servo (the figure shows the
minus connection on the left)
The driving assistant must be firmly attached to the sur-
face of the chassis to work correctly.
The neutral position is set via the transmitter. The factory setting of the dial switch (A) on the driving assistant
therefore should not be changed.
Since the enclosed transmitter also has a dual rate setting, the factory setting at the driving assistant should
not be changed.
The switch (C) is used to set the direction in which the driving assistant is to steer the connected steering
servo if the vehicle breaks out to the left or right. If the switch is set incorrectly, the steering servo will turn
the wheels in the wrong direction (the steering servo will not counter the vehicle tail when it breaks out, but
steer in the same direction - the vehicle would become uncontrollable).
The LEDs light up according to the turn around the vertical axis of the vehicle. In the resting position, the
middle LED is lit. The LEDs therefore serve only to verify the driving assistant's function.
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