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Sunrise Medical QUICKIE PG Drives Technology R-Net Gebruikershandleiding pagina 21

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Beschikbare talen

R-Net Control System | Rev. H | English
9 LED (Fig 5.14)
The parking brakes have a bad connection. Check the parking
brake and motor connections. Make sure the control system
connections are secure.
10 LED (Fig 5.15)
An excessive voltage has been applied to the control system.
This is usually caused by a poor battery connection. Check
the battery connections.
7 LED + Speed LED's (Fig 5.16)
A communication fault is indicated. Make sure that the joystick
cable is securely connected and not damaged.
Actuator LED's Flash (Fig 5.17)
An Actuator trip is indicated. If more than one actuator is
fitted, check which actuator is not working correctly. Check
the actuator wiring.
Slow or sluggish movement
If the wheelchair does not travel at full speed or does not
respond quickly enough, and the battery condition is good,
check the maximum speed setting. If adjusting the speed
setting does not remedy the problem then there may be a
non-hazardous fault.
Contact your service agent.
Speed Indication LED's
An increasing number of LED's illuminated shows the
maximum speed setting. For example, if the setting is speed
level 4, then the four left hand LED's will be illuminated.
Profile Indication LED's
A single LED illuminated shows the selected drive profile. For
example, if drive profile 4 is selected, then the fourth LEDs
from the left will only be illuminated.
Maximum Speed / Profile Indicator Ripples Up and Down
This indicates the control system is locked; refer to Chapter 4,
section 4.32 for details.
Maximum Speed / Profile Indicator Flashes
This indicates the speed of the wheelchair is being limited for
safety reasons. The exact reason will depend on the type of
wheelchair. However, the most common cause is that the seat
is in the elevated position.



