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Safety Features; Safety; Safety Instructions; Mandatory Checks Before Initial Use - Ecotap DC 30 Snellader Handboek



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Beschikbare talen

16.3 Safety features

- Lockable with special screws
- Fuse boxes / earth leakage protection
- 12 Volts control voltage
- Strain relief
- IP54 waterproof category


Read the following safety regulations carefully before you install and use the
charging station.

17.1 Safety instructions

Before you install the charging station, you must make sure the location is safe for all
bystanders. NEVER allow children onto this worksite. Never allow ANYONE who has nothing
to do with the work onto the worksite.
- Never be distracted while you are performing the work.
- Make sure you maintain a healthy posture at all times while doing the work.
- Do not leave any tools or charging station components unattended.
- Make sure any tools you are using are clean and dry.
- Make sure that the charging station, tools and components will stay dry
when it is raining.
Make sure that there is no danger of anyone tripping over objects or paving
while you are digging the hole for the foundation.
Make sure to wear good, suitable gloves for any special actions throughout
the entire installation and connection process.
Always check any measuring instruments you will be using to disconnect
the installation from its power supply before you use them, checking them
several times to make sure they are working properly.


The following checks are required to be performed before the charging
station is installed and/or used. NEVER use the charging station if, during
one or more of these checks, the power supply or stability of the charging
station does not comply with safety regulations.
√ All work described below is in compliance with NEN 3140.
√ Check whether the wires have been connected to the terminals in the right order.



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