Whirlpool TLCD - Manual
Warning: no cleaning
liquid is present
Run dry function
When holding the dry button the run dry function will start when there is no water in your tub (Tub
empty indication. What happens automatically:
- Display shows Run dry function.
- The dry function will start within 5 seconds.
- The hydro system turns on for a few seconds.
- The Aero system will switch on for 45 seconds.
- After that, both systems are turned off and the display goes to the main menu.
Attention: You can prematurely end the cycle by touching the screen. When the dry function is active
the level sensor mustn't be activated (e.g. spraying with handshower inside the tub) otherwise the
function won't start until the level sensor is covered for 5 minutes again.
Automatic Run dry function:
When you are taking a bath and the level sensor is covered with water for 5 minutes the automatic run-dry function will start
after the bath is emptied.
During the 8 minutes waiting period the screen will display the countdown time. The run-dry function will then start.
Attention: You can switch off this function before installing your whirlpool with a dipswitch on the PCB.
4.1.6 Option music
You can reach the music menu by pressing the music button. When the music funtion is activated you can
deactivate the music by holding the button. The settings you used last will stay in the memory (as long as
the main power has not been switched off). This function will only work when the whirlpool system is
equiped with a music module.
Clean function with
Empty bath.You can not
use any function until you
have emptied the bath.