Description of the fault
Supply Sensor Open: An open circuit has been detected in the appliance supply
E 31
temperature sensor circuit
DHW Sensor Shorted: A short circuit has been detected in the DHW temperature
E 32
sensor circuit
DHW Sensor Open: An open circuit has been detected in the DHW temperature
E 33
sensor circuit
E 34
Low Voltage: Line voltage has fallen below an acceptable operating level.
E 37
Low Water: Water level has fallen below 0.7 bar.
Return Sensor Shorted: A short circuit has been detected in the appliance return
E 43
temperature sensor circuit.
Return Sensor Open: An open circuit has been detected in the appliance return
E 44
temperature sensor circuit.
Flue Sensor Shorted: A short circuit has been detected in the appliance ue tem-
E 45
perature sensor circuit
Flue Sensor Open: An open circuit has been detected in the appliance ue tem-
E 46
perature sensor circuit.
Water pressure sensor error: Water pressure sensor is disconnected or broken
Gas pressure switch open
E 76
External Limit Open: An external automatic reset appliance limit has opened.
E 77
High temperature mixing circuit
E 78
Mix circuit sensor shorted
E 79
Mix-circuit sensor Open
E 80
Return > Supply: Return temperature is higher than supply temperature.
E 81
Sensor Drift: Supply and return temperatures are not equal.
1. Check supply temperature sensor, connectors and wiring harness for an open circuit.
2. If necessary replace the sensor, or the wire harness.
3. After xing the problem reset the appliance and resume normal operation.
1. Check DHW temperature sensor and wiring harness for a short circuit.
2. If necessary replace the sensor, or the wire harness.
3. After xing the problem reset the appliance and resume normal operation.
1. Check DHW temperature sensor, connectors and wiring harness for an open circuit.
2. If necessary replace the sensor, or the wire harness.
3. After xing the problem reset the appliance and resume normal operation.
The appliance will automatically reset once line voltage returns to normal.
1. Increase pressure to normal range.
2. The appliance will automatically reset once water level returns to normal.
1. Check return temperature sensor and wiring harness for a short circuit.
2. If necessary replace the sensor, or the wire harness.
3. After xing the problem, reset the appliance and resume normal operation.
1. Check return temperature sensor, connectors and wiring harness for an open circuit.
2. If necessary replace the sensor, or the wire harness.
3. After xing the problem, reset the appliance and resume normal operation.
1. Check ue temperature sensor and wiring harness for a short circuit.
2. If necessary replace the sensor, or the wire harness.
3. After xing the problem reset the appliance and resume normal operation.
1. Check ue temperature sensor, connectors and wiring harness for an open circuit.
2. If necessary replace the sensor, or the wire harness.
3. After xing the problem reset the appliance and resume normal operation.
1. Check water pressure sensor, connectors and wiring harness.
2. If necessary replace the sensor, or the wire harness.
3. After xing the problem reset the appliance and resume normal operation.
1. Check both the static and the dynamic gas pressures.
2. Correct condition which caused the pressure switch to open
3. Appliance will automatically reset once the pressure switch is closed.
1. Correct condition which caused limit to open.
2. Appliance will automatically reset once external limit closes
Check if the mixing valve functions correctly.
1. Check Mix circuit temp. sensor and wiring harness for a short circuit.
2. If necessary replace the sensor, or the wire harness.
3. After xing the problem reset the appliance and resume normal operation.
1. Check Mix circuit temp. sensor and wiring harness for an open circuit.
2. If necessary replace the sensor, or the wire harness.
3. After xing the problem reset the appliance and resume normal operation.
Con rm water ows in appliance return and out appliance supply.
1. Check water is owing through appliance.
2. Wait a few minutes for the water to equalise the temperature, the appliance will automatically reset once tempera-
tures become equal.
3. If appliance doesn't reset, check the NTC's and check the wire harness, replace if necessary.
Installer's Handbook (Evo) - 660Y3000 • A
Solution for the fault