min 9U°
max LUà°
Aà ( -U cm)
45 - 70 cm.
à ( LU cm)
5 - 10 cm.
How to use your ergomonic chair
How to use your ergomonic chair
We would like to help you avoid the fatigue and discomfort that inevitably result from
We would like to help you avoid the fatigue and discomfort that inevitably result from
long periods sitting in an officez by providing a chair that both aids movement and
long periods sitting in an office, by providing a chair that both aids movement and
gives support) In order to reap the full benefits of this ergonomically designed chair
gives support.
itFs important not only to understand how to make the simple adjustmentsz reading
In order to reap the full benefits of this ergonomically designed chair it's important
the instructions the following pagesz but also how you can do it) Sitting too upring or
not only to understand how to make the simple adjustments, reading the instructions
leaning forward is as stressful on the spine as a slumped position)
the following pages, but also how you can do it. Sitting too upring or leaning forward
The correct position is a 9U° angle between thighs and backz but adjust the back
is as stressful on the spine as a slumped position.
mechanism to allow for this angle to open to at least LUà° to provide balance and
The correct position is a 90° angle between thighs and back, but adjust the back
relieve pressure on the spine and a 9U° angle between arm and forearm) Regulate
mechanism to allow for this angle to open to at least 105° to provide balance and
the back height to provide maximum support for the vulnerable lower back area)
relieve pressure on the spine and a 90° angle between arm and forearm.
The feet should be placed flat on the floorz or footrestz at a 9U° angle to the legs) For
Regulate the back height to provide maximum support for the vulnerable lower back
better safety and adaptability to the type of flooringz it is advisable to use hard
castors for soft floors and soft castors for hard floors.
The feet should be placed flat on the floor, or footrest, at a 90° angle to the legs.
For better safety and adaptability to the type of flooring, it is advisable to use hard
castors for soft floors and soft castors for hard floors.
NL / Hoe u uw ergomonische stoel gebruikt
We willen u helpen de vermoeidheid en het ongemak te vermijden die onvermijdelijk
IT /
Utilizzo ergonomico della vostra sedia
het gevolg zijn van langdurig zitten op kantoor, door een stoel te bieden die zowel
beweging bevordert als ondersteunt. Om ten volle te profiteren van deze
Vorremmo aiutarvi a lavorare evitando la fatica e il disagio, risultato inevitabile
ergonomisch ontworpen stoel, is het niet alleen belangrijk om te begrijpen hoe u de
dopo lunghi periodi seduti in ufficio, fornendovi una sedia confortevole.
eenvoudige aanpassingen kunt maken, door de instructies op de volgende pagina's
Per sfruttare al meglio i benefici di questa sedia ergonomica, e' importante
te lezen, maar ook hoe u dit kunt doen. Te rechtop zitten of naar voren leunen is net
non solo capire come intervenire correttamente sulle varie regolazioni (leggendo le
zo belastend voor de wervelkolom als een onderuitgezakte houding.
seguenti istruzioni), ma anche perché farle.
De juiste positie is een hoek van 90 ° tussen de dijen en de rug, maar pas het
Una posizione del tronco troppo eretta, appoggiata in avanti, inclinata all'indietro,
rugmechanisme aan om deze hoek te openen tot minstens 105 ° om balans te
crea stress alla spina dorsale. Fare aggiustamenti durante la giornata aiuta la
bieden en de druk op de wervelkolom te verlichten en een hoek van 90 ° tussen arm
circolazione e previene dolori muscolari. La posizione più corretta è con busto
en onderarm. Regel de rughoogte om maximale ondersteuning te bieden aan de
eretto creare un angolo di 90° tra cosce e schiena, regolando l'inclinazione dello
kwetsbare onderrug. De voeten moeten plat op de vloer of voetsteun worden
schienale fino ad un'apertura massima di 105°in modo da bilanciare e ridurre la
geplaatst in een hoek van 90 ° ten opzichte van de benen. Voor een betere
pressione sulla spina dorsale ed un angolo di 90° tra braccio e avambraccio.
veiligheid en aanpasbaarheid aan het type vloer, is het raadzaam harde wielen te
A seconda della pavimentazione, per una maggiore sicurezza e adattabilità alle
gebruiken voor zachte vloeren en zachte wielen voor harde vloeren.
superfici, si consiglia di scegliere ruote dure per pavimentazioni morbide e morbide
per quelle dure.