Guarantee and complaints
Guarantee and complaints
For all products manufactured by Fasterholt Maskinfabrik A/S, Fasterholt Maskinfabrik A/S provides a guarantee for 24 months from the
delivery date as regards errors in the processing and materials that are not due to ordinary wear and tear. The guarantee only applies pro-
vided that the product has been correctly installed, that only original spare parts have been used, and that such use is in accordance with
Fasterholt Maskinfabrik's instructions and generally known practice.
As regards third-party goods that are part of the delivery, e.g. electronic equipment etc., the same guarantee is provided as the one provi-
ded to Fasterholt Maskinfabrik A/S by the sub-supplier.
If any errors are demonstrated in our products during the guarantee period, Fasterholt Maskinfabrik A/S will make cost-free repairs and
renewals to the required extent as soon as possible within normal working hours.
If the goods for which a complaint has been made are to be replaced by new goods, such goods are sent including a new invoice. The
goods for which a complaint has been made, incl. documentation about what is wrong and which machine number it is about, must be
returned to Fasterholt Maskinfabrik A/S at the latest 14 days after the complaint was made for the purpose of crediting.
Only when we have received all necessary material will a warranty case be created. If the part is too large to send, Fasterholt Maskinfabrik
must be contacted for another agreement. Photographic documentation will always be required in this context.
Fasterholt Maskinfabrik A/S is not liable for operating losses, loss of time, loss of profits or similar.