(Declaration of Conformity)
Ascom Enterprise Communications AG
Ziegelmattstrasse 1
CH-4503 Solothurn
erklären in alleiniger Verantwortung, dass das Produkt
(declare under our sole responsibility that the product)
Modell-Bezeichnung: System Telephone
(Model name)
auf das sich diese Erklärung bezieht, mit folgenden Normen übereinstimmt
(to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following standards)
EMV Immunität:
EN 55024
EMC Immunity)
EMV Emission:
EN 55022 Klasse B
(EMC Emission)
IEC / EN 60950
Gemäss den Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 99/5/EG
(following the provisions of Directive 99/5/EC)
Solothurn, 11.06.02
(Ort und Datum der Ausstellung)
(Place and Date of issue)
We, Ascom Enterprise Communications, declare, that the above mentioned
product is manufactured according to our Full Quality Assurance System
certified by SQS ISO 9001 with the registration number 10318/05 in compliance
with ANNEX V of the R&TTE-Directive 99/5/EC. The presumption of conformity
with the essential requirements regarding Council Directive 99/5/EC as well as
ECMA TR70 is ensured.
Find further information under: www.ascom.com/ec/documents
Office 35IP
Mario Giacometto
Felix Jakob
(Name und Unterschrift oder gleichwertige Kenn-
zeichnung des Befugten)
(Name and signature or equivalent marking of
authorised person)