PHILIPS Consumer Electronics
Route d'Angers
72081 Le Mans Cedex 9
Declare that the products DECT221xx and DECT225xx are in compliance with ANNEX IV of the R&TTE-Directive
1999/5/EC and then with the following essential requirements:
Article 3.1 a : (protection of the health & the safety of the user)
Safety : EN 60950-1 (10/2001)
SAR : EN 50371 (2002)
Article 3.1 b : (protection requirements with respect to electromagnetic compatibility)
EMC : ETSI EN 301 489-6 V1.2.1 (08/2002) & ETSI EN 301 489-1 V1.4.1 (08/2002)
Article 3.2 : (effective use of the radio spectrum)
Radio : EN 301 406 V1.5.1 (2003)
The presumption of conformity with the essential requirements regarding Council Directive 1999/5/EC is ensured.
Date : 04/02/2005 Le Mans
Product Quality Manager
Home Communication
De CE-markering
andere relevante bepalingen van de richtlijn 1999/5/EC met betrekking tot veiligheid van de gebruiker,
electromagnetische verdraagbaarheid en het frequentiebereik.
bevestigt dat het apparaat overeenstemt met de fundamentele eisen en