Key combinations
FN + Windows key = Lock/Unlock windows key
FN + I = Print Screen
FN + O = Scroll Lock
FN + P = Pause Break
FN + J = Ins
FN + K = Home
FN + L = End
FN + 1 = F1
FN + 2 = F2
FN + 3 = F3
FN + 4 = F4
FN + 5 = F5
FN + 6 = F6
FN + 7 = F7
FN + 8 = F8
FN + 9 = F9
FN + 0 = F10
FN +
= F11
FN +
= F12
FN +
= Decrease volume
FN +
= Increase volume
FN +
= Sound off/on
FN + right ALT GR = Windows menu key
Caps lock + Any other keyboard key = Caps lock
will function like the FN key. For example,
pressing Caps lock + 1 = F1. This function can
be deactivated or activated by pressing FN +
Left Alt.
FN + ESC press and hold for about 3 seconds =
Factory reset.
Press and hold FN + R for 3 seconds to pair
with USB receiver. Please note that the
receiver has been paired already and this is
only for troubleshooting.
Battery indicator: check the battery level by
pressing FN + Backspace, the keys from 1 to 0
will be green (wireless only).
100% battery = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 will be
75% battery = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 will be green.
50% battery = 1,2,3,4,5 will be green.
25% battery = 1,2,3 will be green.
LED combinations
FN + right STRG = Change backlight mode
FN + right SHIFT = Change backlight colour
FN + page down = Change to static colour (mode)
FN + down arrow = Decrease backlight brightness
FN + up arrow = Increase backlight brightness
FN + right arrow = Increase backlight speed
FN + left arrow = Decrease backlight speed
LED modes
There are 5 backlight speeds. 3rd speed is
default. The arrow keys will flash 3 times when
it reaches lowest or highest speed.
There are 5 brightness settings (100%, 75%,
50%, 25% and off). 100% is default. The arrow
keys will flash 3 times when it reaches lowest
or highest brightness.
The keyboard has 20 LED modes in total (Not
counting software modes).
Caps lock and Win lock will be static red when
they are activated.
Use the switch underneath the keyboard to
switch between Bluetooth, wired and USB
Switch to the middle
= Wired connection and off
(if cable is disconnected).
Wired connection: Use a USB-C cable to connect
with a wired connection.
Switch to the right
= 2.4 GHz wireless
connection to USB receiver.
1. The ESC key will flash green to indicate
pairing mode (USB receiver).
2. Connect the USB receiver to your device.
The keyboard will connect automatically.
3. Once connected successfully it will stop
= Bluetooth.
Switch to the left
With Bluetooth you can connect up to 3
Quick press FN + Q/W/E =
between 1, 2 or 3.
1. The ESC key will flash blue slowly to
indicate Bluetooth mode (the ESC key will flash
fast to indicate pairing mode).
2. Press and hold FN + Q for 5 seconds = Pair
Bluetooth device 1.
Press and hold FN + W for 5 seconds = Pair
Bluetooth device 2.
Press and hold FN + E for 5 seconds = Pair
Bluetooth device 3.
3. Once connected successfully it will stop
The keyboard will connect automatically to
devices it has been connected to previously.
When switching to Bluetooth from wired or
wireless 2.4G connection, the ESC key will
flash blue if the connection was successful.
Note: With Bluetooth 4.0 or higher 2 names
will be displayed. You can connect to any, but
"5.0" is preferred choice. With Bluetooth 3.0
and lower only 1 name will be displayed.
The keyboard's Bluetooth names:
Quickly switch