The power supply is a vital part of a power amplifier. The Azur 340A power amplifiers are fed from a power supply of elegant simplicity that avoids the complications and uncertainties of regulated supplies. A...
All manuals and user guides at 340A Integrated amplifer CONTENTS Full temperature protection directly senses the device die temperatures Introduction ....................2 and shuts down the output if the amplifier overheats due to obstructed ventilation or any other cause. Safety precautions ..................4 DC offset protection immediately isolates the amplifier from the Important safety instructions..............
3 Amp or 5 Amp fuse must be fitted, either in the plug or when used and installed according to this instruction manual. For adaptor, or on the distribution board. continued compliance only Cambridge Audio accessories should be used with this product and servicing must be referred to qualified service personnel.
All manuals and user guides at 340A Integrated amplifer IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Please take a moment to read these notes before installing your Azur Do not route the power cable so that it can be walked upon or damaged amplifier, they will enable you to get the best performance and prolong by other items near it.
All manuals and user guides at REAR PANEL CONNECTIONS Caution Serial Number Label Removed azur 340A Integrated Amplifier Designed and Engineered in London, England Power Rating: 230V AC 50Hz Max Power Consumption 345W Power AC Caution Risk of electric shock...
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All manuals and user guides at 340A Integrated amplifer Tape out This socket can be connected to a tape deck or to the analog sockets on a MiniDisc or CD recorder. Connect an interconnect cable from the Tape Out socket of this amplifier to the recorder's Line In. CD/Tuner/DVD/AV/MD input sockets These inputs are suitable for any 'line level' source equipment such as CD players, DAB or FM/AM tuners etc.
Basic connection The following diagram shows the basic connection of your amplifier to a CD player and a pair of loudspeakers. Caution Serial Number Label Removed azur 340A Integrated Amplifier Designed and Engineered in London, England Power Rating: 230V AC 50Hz...
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The Speaker B connections on the back of the amplifier allow a second set of speakers to be used, which could be for another room. Caution Serial Number Label Removed azur 340A Integrated Amplifier Designed and Engineered in London, England Power Rating: 230V AC...
All manuals and user guides at OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS & CONTROLS Volume azur 340A Integrated Amplifier Bass Treble Balance Power Tuner / DAB AV / MD Tape Mon Phones Speaker B Direct Power resistance measured on the speaker terminals is too low the amplifier may activate its overload protection system.
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All manuals and user guides at 340A Integrated amplifer Bass and treble tone controls Input selection push buttons These controls allow subtle adjustments to the tonal balance of the Push the appropriate input selection button to select the source sound.
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The Azur 340A has a comprehensive voltage clamping system that ensures that such pulses are safely absorbed by the amplifier and no damage can result.
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All manuals and user guides at 340A Integrated amplifer Protection Indications and Remedies: Indication Fault/Remedy Output distorted and at unexpectedly low level. Overload protection is operating. Check loudspeaker impedance is not too low. Very often loudspeakers of too low an impedance can be driven at low levels but not high levels.
All manuals and user guides at TROUBLESHOOTING SPECIFICATIONS There is no power 340A Ensure the AC power cord is connected securely Ensure the plug is fully inserted into the wall socket and is switched on Power Output 40W (into 8Ω) Check fuse in the mains plug or adaptor 50W (into 4Ω) There is no sound...
Cambridge Audio product, THIS PRODUCT. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY LAW, THIS it can be returned by your dealer to Cambridge Audio or an authorised WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER EXPRESS AND Cambridge Audio service agent.
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:30 Page 15 EINLEITUNG Für die Ausgänge werden hochintegrierte Silikonchips mit einer extrem ielen D D ank f f ür I I hren K K auf d d ieses C C ambridge A A udio V V erstärkers d d er A A zur Serie.
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:30 Page 16 340A Integrierter Verstärker INHALT Der Azur 340A von Cambridge Audio besitzt ein umfassendes Schutzsystem Einleitung....................2 gegen falsche Anwendung und mögliche Fehler. Die Schutzfunktionen gegen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen ................4...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:30 Page 17 SICHERHEITSVORKEHRUNGEN Kontrolle d d er N N etzanschlussleistung Dieses Produkt erfüllt europäische Niederspannungsrichtlinie (73/23/EU) und die Richtlinien über Bitte lesen Sie zu Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit die folgenden Anweisungen sorgfältig...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:30 Page 18 340A Integrierter Verstärker INSTALLATION Bitte nehmen Sie sich einen Moment Zeit und lesen Sie diese Hinweise Wenn Sie zwei Verstärker verwenden, sollten Sie unbedingt Verstärker durch, bevor Sie Ihren Verstärker installieren;...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:30 Page 19 ANSCHLÜSSE AN DER RÜCKSEITE DES GERÄTS Caution Serial Number Label Removed azur 340A Integrated Amplifier Designed and Engineered in London, England...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:30 Page 20 340A Integrierter Verstärker Hinweis: B B eim A A nschluss e e ines e e xternen G G eräts m m it g g etrenntem E E ingang und A A usgang, w w ie z z .B.
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:30 Page 21 ANSCHLUSS VON GERÄTEN Wir haben unsere Verstärker mit einer Reihe von Funktionen versehen, die Ihnen viele flexible Anschlussmöglichkeiten für Ihr System bieten.
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:30 Page 22 340A Integrierter Verstärker Anschluss e e ines B B andgeräts ( ( Tape) Das folgende Diagramm zeigt den Anschluss des Verstärkers an einen Cassettenrecorder oder an ein anderes Gerät mit einer Aufnahme- und...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:30 Page 23 BEDIENUNG UND BEDIENELEMENTE Volume azur 340A Integrated Amplifier Bass Treble Balance Power Tuner / DAB AV / MD...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:30 Page 24 340A Integrierter Verstärker Bässe u u nd H H öhen Tasten f f ür d d ie A A uswahl d d es E E ingangs Mit diesen Einstellungen können Sie feinfühlige Änderungen am...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:30 Page 25 SCHUTZSYSTEM Schutzsystem für Azur 340A umfasst folgende Die sorgfältige Definition der Schutzparameter sorgt dafür, dass der Sicherheitsfunktionen: 340A nicht unnötig abschaltet, sondern diese Maßnahme nur dann einleitet, wenn es zwingend erforderlich ist.
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:30 Page 26 340A Integrierter Verstärker Anzeichen f f ür d d ie A A ktivierung d d es S S chutzsystems u u nd...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:30 Page 27 FEHLERSUCHE UND FEHLERBEHEBUNG TECHNISCHE DATEN Es i i st k k eine S S pannung v v orhanden 340A Kontrollieren Sie, ob das Netzkabel richtig angeschlossen ist.
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:30 Page 28 340A Integrierter Verstärker HAFTUNGSBESCHRÄNKUNG Cambridge Audio garantiert Ihnen, dass dieses Produkt keine Material- kommerziellen Einsatz oder durch Änderungen des Produkts bzw. von und Herstellungsfehler (wie im Folgenden näher erläutert) aufweist.
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:30 Page 29 INTRODUCTION Nous v v ous r r emercions d d 'avoir c c hoisi c c et a a mplificateur C C ambridge A A udio L'étage de sortie utilise des dispositifs au silicium de grande surface à...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:30 Page 30 Amplificateur intégré 340A TABLE DES MATIÈRES Le Cambridge Audio Azur 340A présente une protection complète contre Introduction ....................2 les usages impropres et les erreurs potentielles.
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:30 Page 31 CONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ Vérification d d e l l a p p uissance d d e l l 'alimentation Ce produit est conforme aux directives européennes relatives à...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:30 Page 32 Amplificateur intégré 340A INSTALLATION Prenez le temps de lire ces notes avant d'installer votre amplificateur. Si vous ne comptez pas utiliser cet appareil pendant une période Elles vous permettront de tirer le maximum de l'appareil et d'en prolongée, débranchez-le du secteur.
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:30 Page 33 CONNEXIONS DU PANNEAU ARRIÈRE Caution Serial Number Label Removed azur 340A Integrated Amplifier Designed and Engineered in London, England...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:30 Page 34 Amplificateur intégré 340A Note : : L L orsque v v ous r r accordez u u ne s s ource q q ui p p résente à à l l a f f ois u u ne entrée e e t u u ne s s ortie, c c omme d d ans l l e c c as d d 'une p p latine c c assette, l l a s s ortie...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:30 Page 35 RACCORDEMENT À la conception de nos amplificateurs, nous avons voulu intégrer plusieurs possibilités de raccordement. L'inclusion de caractéristiques telles que le bornier B vous permet ainsi de configurer votre chaîne...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:30 Page 36 Amplificateur intégré 340A Raccordement à à u u ne p p latine d d 'enregistrement Le schéma suivant présente le raccordement de l'amplificateur à une platine d'enregistrement ou à...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 37 UTILISATION & COMMANDES Volume azur 340A Integrated Amplifier Bass Treble Balance Power Tuner / DAB AV / MD...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 38 Amplificateur intégré 340A Commandes d d e r r églage d d es g g raves e e t d d es a a iguës Boutons d d e s s élection d d 'entrée...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 39 SYSTÈME DE PROTECTION Le système de protection de l'amplificateur Azur 340A se compose des Une définition soigneusement étudiée des paramètres de protection éléments suivants :...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 40 Amplificateur intégré 340A Indications d d e p p rotection e e t s s olutions : :...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 41 DÉPANNAGE CARACTÉRISTIQUES TECHNIQUES L'appareil n n e s s e m m et p p as s s ous t t ension 340A Vérifiez si le câble d'alimentation est branché...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 42 Amplificateur intégré 340A GARANTIE LIMITÉE Cambridge Audio garantit ce produit contre tout défaut de matériau et commercial ou à une modification d'une partie quelconque du produit.
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 43 INTRODUCCIÓN Gracias p p or a a dquirir e e ste a a mplificador C C ambridge A A udio s s erie A A zur. E E ste La etapa de salida utiliza dispositivos de silicio de gran superficie con es e e l r r esultado d d e n n uestro p p rograma d d e i i nvestigación y y d d esarrollo m m ás...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 44 Amplificador integrado 340A CONTENIDO El modelo Azur 340A de Cambridge Audio dispone de protección total Introducción....................2 contra el mal uso y posibles fallos. Los sistemas de protección de Precauciones de seguridad ..............4...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 45 PRECAUCIONES DE SEGURIDAD Comprobación d d el e e stado d d e l l a f f uente d d e a a limentación Este producto cumple con las normativas Europeas de Baja Tensión (73/23/EEC) y compatibilidad electromagnética...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 46 Amplificador integrado 340A INSTALACIÓN Por favor dedique un momento para leer estas notas antes de instalar Para limpiar el equipo, limpie la carcasa con un paño humedecido libre el amplificador, le permitirá...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 47 CONEXIONES DEL PANEL POSTERIOR Caution Serial Number Label Removed azur 340A Integrated Amplifier Designed and Engineered in London, England...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 48 Amplificador integrado 340A Nota: C C uando c c onecte u u n c c omponente f f uente q q ue t t enga e e ntrada y y salida, e e s d d ecir u u n g g rabador d d e c c intas, l l a s s alida d d ebe s s iempre conectarse a a l l a e e ntrada T T ape m m on.
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 49 CONEXIÓN Durante el diseño de nuestros amplificadores hemos intentando incluir características que le permitan conectar su sistema de varias maneras.
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 50 Amplificador integrado 340A Conexión d d e c c inta El diagrama siguiente muestra como conectar el amplificador a un grabador de cintas u otra fuente con conexión de grabación y...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 51 INSTRUCCIONES DE FUNCIONAMIENTO Y CONTROLES Volume azur 340A Integrated Amplifier Bass Treble Balance Power Tuner / DAB AV / MD...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 52 Amplificador integrado 340A Controles d d e t t onos g g raves y y a a gudos Botones p p ulsadores d d e s s elección d d e e e ntrada...
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Page 53 SISTEMA DE PROTECCIÓN El modelo Azur 340A dispone de un sistema de protección formado por: La cuidadosa definición de los parámetros de protección garantiza que el modelo 340A no esté sujeto a oscilaciones molestas, y sólo se cierra cuando la necesidad es verdadera.
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 54 Amplificador integrado 340A Indicaciones d d e p p rotección y y s s oluciones: Indicación Fallo/Solución Salida distorsionada y un nivel inesperadamente bajo.
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 55 SOLUCIÓN DE PROBLEMAS ESPECIFICACIONES No h h ay c c orriente 340A Asegúrese que el cable de C.A. está conectado correctamente.
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 56 Amplificador integrado 340A GARANTÍA LIMITADA Cambridge Audio garantiza que este producto está libre de defectos en daños debidos a un funcionamiento inadecuado, mantenimiento o materiales y mano de obra (sujeto a los términos establecidos a...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 57 INTRODUZIONE Grazie p p er a a ver a a cquistato q q uesto a a mplificatore d d ella s s erie A A zur d d ella Lo stadio di uscita utilizza dispositivi al silicone ad ampia superficie, con Cambridge A A udio.
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 58 Amplificatore integrato 340A SOMMARIO L'Audio Azur 340A Cambridge offre una completa protezione contro un Introduzione....................2 cattivo utilizzo e possibili malfunzionamenti. I sistemi di protezione contro sovraccarichi e cortocircuiti effettuano un monitoraggio costante Precauzioni relative alla sicurezza............4...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 59 PRECAUZIONI RELATIVE ALLA SICUREZZA Verifica d d ell'alimentazione n n ominale Questo apparecchio è conforme alle Direttive europee relative alla bassa tensione (73/23/EEC) e alla compatibilità...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 60 Amplificatore integrato 340A INSTALLAZIONE È necessario dedicare un po' di tempo alla lettura di queste note prima Se non si prevede l'utilizzo di questo apparecchio durante un lungo di procedere all'installazione dell'amplificatore, al fine di ottenere le periodo di tempo, staccarlo dall'alimentazione elettrica.
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 61 CONNESSIONI PRESENTI SUL PANNELLO POSTERIORE Caution Serial Number Label Removed azur 340A Integrated Amplifier Designed and Engineered in London, England...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 62 Amplificatore integrato 340A registrazione Tape Mon dell'amplificatore. Questo sistema di Messa a a t t erra monitoraggio duplica l'entrata standard del mezzo di registrazione.
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 63 COLLEGAMENTO Durante la fase di progetto dei nostri amplificatori, ci sforziamo di integrare caratteristiche che permettano svariati modi di collegamenti agli amplificatori stessi.
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 64 Amplificatore integrato 340A Connessione d d i u u n r r egistratore a a n n astro...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 65 ISTRUZIONI E COMANDI OPERATIVI Volume azur 340A Integrated Amplifier Bass Treble Balance Power Tuner / DAB AV / MD...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 66 Amplificatore integrato 340A influiscono sui segnali trasmessi attraverso le connessioni di l'entrata durante la registrazione, anche se il segnale registrato può...
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L'Azur 340A dispone di un sistema di temperature di giunzione non diventino pericolosamente elevate. restituzione della componente continua della tensione che assicura che...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 68 Amplificatore integrato 340A Indicazioni d d i p p rotezione e e r r imedi: Indicazione Malfunzionamento / / R R imedio Uscita distorta e ad un inatteso basso livello.
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 69 RISOLUZIONE DEI PROBLEMI SPECIFICHE Non v v i è è a a limentazione 340A Assicurarsi che il cordone d'alimentazione sia connesso in modo stabile.
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 70 Amplificatore integrato 340A LIMITAZIONI DELLA GARANZIA La Cambridge Audio garantisce che questo prodotto è esente da difetti Questa Garanzia non copre danni estetici o danni che siano stati di materiale e fabbricazione (questa garanzia è...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 71 INDLEDNING Tak f f ordi d d u h h ar v v algt a a t k k øbe d d enne f f orstærker f f ra C C ambridge A A udios...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 72 340A integreret forstærker INDHOLD En fuld temperaturbeskyttelse kontrollerer temperaturerne direkte og Indledning ....................2 lukker ned for effekten, hvis forstærkeren overophedes på grund af en Sikkerhedsforanstaltninger ..............4...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 73 SIKKERHEDSFORANSTALTNINGER Kontrol a a f n n etspændingen Af hensyn til din egen sikkerhed bedes du gennemlæse nedenstående instruktioner omhyggeligt, inden du begynder at forbinde denne enhed til ledningsnettet.
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 74 340A integreret forstærker INSTALLATION Brug venligst et øjeblik på at gennemlæse disse anvisninger, inden du Hvis forstærkeren trænger til rengøring, aftørres indkapslingen med en installerer din forstærker.
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 75 FORBINDELSER PÅ BAGPANELET Caution Serial Number Label Removed azur 340A Integrated Amplifier Designed and Engineered in London, England...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 76 340A integreret forstærker Tape o o ut Dette stik kan tilsluttes en båndoptager eller de analoge stik på en MiniDisc eller cd-optager.
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 77 TILSLUTNING Vi har i konstruktionen af vores forstærkere forsøgt at inkludere funktioner, der gør det muligt at tilslutte systemet på flere forskellige måder.
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 78 340A integreret forstærker Tilslutning a a f b b åndoptager Følgende diagram viser, hvordan du forbinder forstærkeren til en båndoptager...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 79 BETJENINGSVEJLEDNING OG KNAPPER Volume azur 340A Integrated Amplifier Bass Treble Balance Power Tuner / DAB AV / MD...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 80 340A integreret forstærker Bas o o g d d iskant Knapper t t il v v alg a a f i i ndgang Med disse knapper kan du finjustere lydens tonemæssige balance.
Beskyttelse m m od o o verbelastning o o g k k ortslutning Beskyttelse m m od D D C o o ffset Azur 340A er fuldt beskyttet mod for lave impedanser, idet der er taget højde for, at en reaktiv belastning kræver meget mere af et Systemet til beskyttelse mod DC offset isolerer straks forstærkeren fra...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 82 340A integreret forstærker Tegn p p å a a ktivering a a f b b eskyttelsessystemet Tegn: Fejl/afhjælpning: Forvrænget lyd og et uventet lavt lydniveau.
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 83 FEJLFINDING SPECIFIKATIONER Der e e r i i ngen s s trøm 340A Kontrollér, at netledningen er tilsluttet korrekt.
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 84 340A integreret forstærker BEGRÆNSET GARANTI Cambridge Audio garanterer, at dette produkt er fri for defekter i anvendelse, vedligeholdelse eller installation eller forsøg på reparation, materialer og udførelse (med forbehold af nedenstående betingelser).
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 85 INLEIDING Dank u u v v oor d d e a a ankoop v v an d d eze C C ambridge A A udio v v ersterker u u it d d e De uitgangsfase maakt gebruik van grote siliciuminrichtingen, met azur-s s erie.
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 86 340A Geïntegreerde versterker INHOUD De Cambridge Audio Azur 340A heeft een volledige bescherming tegen Inleiding ......................2 verkeerd gebruik en mogelijke fouten. De beveiligingssystemen tegen overbelasting en kortsluiting controleren continu de spanning, stroom Veiligheidsvoorschriften ................4...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 87 VEILIGHEIDSVOORSCHRIFTEN De s s troomspanning c c ontroleren Dit product voldoet aan de Europese richtlijnen voor laagspanning (73/23/EEC)
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 88 340A Geïntegreerde versterker INSTALLATIE Neemt u even de tijd om deze informatie door te lezen voordat u uw Haal, als u van plan bent dit apparaat langere tijd niet te gebruiken, de versterker installeert.
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 89 AANSLUITINGEN OP DE ACHTERKANT Caution Serial Number Label Removed azur 340A Integrated Amplifier Designed and Engineered in London, England...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 90 340A Geïntegreerde versterker Tape o o ut Deze aansluiting kan worden aangesloten op een cassettedeck of op de analoge aansluitingen van een MiniDisc of CD-recorder.
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 91 AANSLUITING Tijdens het ontwerpen van onze versterkers hebben we geprobeerd features in te bouwen die het mogelijk maken om uw systeem op verschillende manieren aan te sluiten.
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 92 340A Geïntegreerde versterker Tape-a a ansluiting Het onderstaande schema laat zien hoe u de versterker aansluit op een cassettedeck of een andere bron met een opname- en monitoraansluiting.
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 93 BEDIENINGSAANWIJZINGEN & REGELKNOPPEN Volume azur 340A Integrated Amplifier Bass Treble Balance Power Tuner / DAB AV / MD...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 94 340A Geïntegreerde versterker Regelknoppen v v oor b b as e e n h h oge t t onen...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 95 BEVEILIGINGSSYSTEEM Het beveiligingssysteem van de Azur 340A bestaat uit: uitschakelt als het echt nodig is. In feite kan dit alleen gebeuren als de...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 96 340A Geïntegreerde versterker Beveiligingsindicaties e e n o o plossingen: Indicatie Storing/oplossing Uitvoer gestoord en op een onverwacht laag niveau.
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 97 PROBLEMEN OPLOSSEN SPECIFICATIES Er i i s g g een s s troom 340A Controleer of het netsnoer stevig is aangesloten...
All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 98 340A Geïntegreerde versterker BEPERKTE GARANTIE Cambridge Audio garandeert dat dit product vrij is van defecten in Deze Garantie dekt geen cosmetische schade of schade ontstaan door...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 99 ВВЕДЕНИЕ Мы благодарим вас за покупку этого аудио усилителя серии Выходная ступень использует кремниевые приборы большой Azur фирмы Cambridge Audio. Он является результатом нашей...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 100 Комбинированный усилитель типа 340A СОДЕРЖАНИЕ каратного золота, сдвоенные ленточные проводники, разъем для Введение....................2 наушников и второй комплект выходов для подключения...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 101 ПРАВИЛА ТЕХНИКИ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ Проверка соответствия напряжения питания Знак восклицания в пределах равностороннего треугольника предназначен для предупреждения пользователя Для вашей собственной безопасности, пожалуйста, внимательно...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 102 Комбинированный усилитель типа 340A УСТАНОВКА Пожалуйста, уделите немного времени, чтобы прочитать эти Если вы не намереваетесь использовать это устройство в течение...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 103 ПОДСОЕДИНЕНИЯ НА ЗАДНЕЙ ПАНЕЛИ Caution Serial Number Label Removed azur 340A Integrated Amplifier Designed and Engineered in London, England...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 104 Комбинированный усилитель типа 340A Примечание: При подключении к источнику, имеющему и вход, и выход, то есть к ленточному магнитофону, его выход всегда...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 105 ПОДСОЕДИНЕНИЕ При разработке наших усилителей мы постарались снабдить их возможностями, которые допускают разнообразные способы подключения вашей системы. Добавление таких возможностей, как...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 106 Комбинированный усилитель типа 340A Подключение ленточного магнитофона Следующая схема показывает, как соединить усилитель с ленточным магнитофоном или иным источником, имеющим...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 107 УКАЗАНИЯ ПО ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ И УПРАВЛЕНИЮ Volume azur 340A Integrated Amplifier Bass Treble Balance Power Tuner / DAB AV / MD...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 108 Комбинированный усилитель типа 340A регуляторы не оказывают никакого действия. Эти регуляторы лишь Кнопка выбора "Tape monitor" (ленточный модифицируют звучание ваших динамиков, они не оказывают...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 109 СИСТЕМА ЗАЩИТЫ Система защиты усилителя Azur 340A включает следующие лишь тогда, когда эта необходимость реальна. Обычно это элементы: происходит...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 110 Комбинированный усилитель типа 340A Индикация приборов защиты и принимаемые меры: Индикация Неисправность / Исправление Выходной сигнал искажен и имеет неожиданно низкий уровень.
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 111 ВЫЯВЛЕНИЕ НЕИСПРАВНОСТЕЙ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ Нет напряжения питания 340A Убедитесь в надежности подсоединения шнура питания от сети переменного тока Убедитесь в том, что вилка до отказа вставлена в настенную розетку и...
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All manuals and user guides at AP156661 azur 340A Multi-Language User’s Manual Contents - Print Pantone 2768.qxd 22/06/2004 16:31 Page 112 Комбинированный усилитель типа 340A ОГРАНИЧЕННАЯ ГАРАНТИЯ Компания Cambridge Audio гарантирует, что это изделие не имеет несчастным случаем, неправильным...
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All manuals and user guides at azur 340A www.cambridge-a a Part No. AP15666/2...