To store an FM radio preset, press and hold the "Preset" button until the display shows the
Save preset screen. Select one of the 40 presets to save the current station.
To select a preset, press the "Preset button" briefly, then select one of the listed preset
stations. The screen will show the corresponding preset number at the bottom center.
You can store / recall up to 40 of your favourite stations to the memory. This will enable you to
access your favourite stations 1- 5 quickly and easily by using the numeric buttons on the panel,
or the list of preset stations in "UNDOK app".
Multi-room function is powered by Frontier silicon. When there are more than one multi-room
network devices with the same Frontier silicon chipset, they can be connected all together and
stream the seamless audio to all these devices.
If you are using the unit, you can use the panel button with the instructions below or the
"UNDOK app" (available for both Android devices and iOS devices) to create multi-room group,
and then share the music from one of the devices to all the devices of this group in the same
local area network (LAN).
View details
State: Ungrouped as the standalone radio; or grouped with multi room function as
server or client device;
Create new group
To create a new group by inserting group name. After creating the group, you can be
possibly discovering the available client devices in the same local area network
(LAN). By selecting the names from the list of available clients, these devices will be
added into the new created group for multi-room music streaming.
Add to group
Adding available clients into the server group for multi-room music streaming.
List current clients
All the connected multi-room client devices will be listed with its device names. If you
want to remove the client from the current multi-room group, please use the Tuning /
Select / Snooze knob to highlight and select the device for removal.
If there is no client in the group, the server will be still existing as for multi-room
streaming ready.
Leave group
Select this option will cause the device to leave current multi-room group. Note: The
server or client device can also be possible to leave the group. If the server has left
the group, a client device will be promoted as server for the multi-room group.
Dissolve group
Only the server can be able to dissolve the group or by the control of UNDOK app.
IR4400 / English Short Instruction Manual