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Chicco Playgym Deluxe Gebruiksaanwijzingen pagina 9


the locking button and fit the leg of the electronic panel; a click is heard, indicating that it has 
locked into position.
  3.   R epeat the operation with the other 3 legs (diag. C).
  4.   H old the support base, as shown in diagram D (The curved part must remain in the external posi-
tion). Press the side buttons, located in the lower part of the leg, fit the support base into slot A, 
until a click is heard, indicating that it has locked into position. 
  5.   R epeat the operation with the other leg. Take hold of the other support base and repeat the opera-
tion with the other 2 legs (diag. E).
  6.   P lace the gym on the floor, onto the support bases (diag. F). Turn the fixed electronic panel until the 
arrow marked on the panel's shoulder corresponds to symbol 1, located on the panel (F-1).
  7.   O nce the panel has been inserted correctly into the slot, fix it turning the side knob in a clockwise 
direction, until the symbol   has been reached (diag. G). A click will indicate that the panel is cor-
rectly locked into position. 
  8.   L ower the fastening fixtures, located on the lower part of the panel (diag. H).
  9.   F asten the swinging toy by sliding the fabric fastener inside the fastening fixture (diag.  I).
10.   F asten the fabric fastener tightly, sliding it into the fastening fixture, as shown in diagram I, and 
adjust it according to the child's height.
11.   R epeat the operation with the other 2 swinging toys.  The gym will look as shown in diagram L.
Changing the Play Position from No. 1 to No. 2
  1.   R emove the 3 swinging toys, taking off the fabric fastener from the fastening fixture.
  2.   P ress the safety button, located at the base of the knob, and, at the same time, turn the knob in an 
anticlockwise direction, positioning it vertically on the    symbol (diag. M).
  3.   R epeat the operation on the other side. 
  4.   T urn the fixed electronic panel to the initial position, as shown in diag. M;
  5.   P lace the gym onto the floor, as shown in diagram N. Remove the support bases, by pressing the 
side buttons located on the lower part of the legs.
  6.   P ress the button, located at the side of the electronic panel's shoulder, and remove the leg as shown 
in diagram O.
  7.   R epeat the operation with the other 3 legs.
  8.   F it the shoulders of the electronic panel into slots B of the support base; a click is heard, indicating 
that they have locked into position (diag. P).
  9.   R epeat the operation with the other support base (diag. Q).
10.   P lace the gym on the floor, onto the support bases (diag. R). Turn the 2 panels externally, one at a 
time, until the arrow marked on the shoulder corresponds to symbol 2, located on the panel.
11.   O nce the panel has been inserted correctly into the slot, fix it turning the side knob in a clockwise 
direction, until the symbol   has been reached (diag. S). A click will indicate that the panel is cor-
rectly locked into position.
12.   I f the toy has been assembled correctly, the multi-activity panel in position 2 should look as shown 
in diag. T.
Changing the Play Position from No. 2 to No. 3
  1.   P ress the safety button, located at the base of the knob, and, at the same time, turn the knob in an 
anticlockwise direction, positioning it vertically on the   symbol (diag. M).
  2.   R epeat the operation on the other side. 



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